Author's note + Prologue

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No plagiarism. The ideas of this story are on me. But if you want to make the same story but just a little twisted. It is okay.

The names in this do not have anything to do with someone that have same names whether alive or not. It may be a coincidence.

Comment whenever I ask your view about my book. I hope I can get many comments. I am needing your answer.

Please vote if you are or aren't love my story. ;) Just forcing you to do that.


Enjoy and take the snack when you read this book. Thus, I made unclichè love story with different plots.

Please wait if I didn't update or wait every Saturday because I am a student. So i do exams and everything.

Cover by indaykitkat
Part she makes pretty cover!


This story may contain explicit words. Mature scene can be considered to 13+. And so on... Read only EDITED CHAPTERS, okay?

Killinjanx 2021© copyright

"A contract marriage?"

I asked in disbelief when my grandma shows up with a piece of paper on her hand. My eyes slightly glared at her when mine contacted with her eyes. I tilted my head to side and read the fucking contract thoroughly.

I sighed," And for what I  should marry him again?" My mouth pursed in annoyance when I read the coward, ex fiancé.


"Don't say his name out loud. Hearing his name could give me a bad luck."

I faked a shudder while my grandma gave me a deceiving look when I cut her off from her talk. I shrugged and opened my arm, gestured to her continue her talk back. contract

"He owned his father's company lately." I nodded and let her explained. "In order to allow our company to open many chambers, this is an opportunity to get married with Ltd. Co's heir. Since the heir had been head over heel to you before."

I shook my head," I object. He was. Head over heel toward me." My teeth gritted as I spoke the fact clearly to my grandma. "In fact, who want to marry again the girl he left? Who?"

My grandma was taken aback by my burst out but I noticed something hidden beyond those faked shock reaction—she didn't care. She didn't care that I was the one who being left at the altar by the man I love so much. How much I despised that guy. Forever.

"You know what?! Stop faking those!" I clenched my jaw and widened my eyes at her.

"Faking what?!" She became furious suddenly.

"Where are you going, Serene Autumn!" She yelled when I walked towards the stairs.

My legs ran upstairs as I reached my room, while bowing down to pull out my luggage under the bed. As I took my purse and climbed down back to the downstair. I won't gonna sit down and got married to that guy again because I was putting a tantrum against my grandma.

"I ain't a child anymore!" I said loudly.

"I know. And don't yell at me!" She scolded at me with a stern voice. But I didn't care if she wanted to kill me. Because—

"—I'm done! You treat me like I'm a child who was left behind by their parents!" Well you are, Serene. I huffed a sharp breath as my hand pulled the luggage behind me then went toward the main door of the mansion.

"Serene Autumn!" She stomped as I heard her heels clicked on the floor but I shook my head while eyeing my personal guard, Taylor to get ready my car.

As Taylor when to take the car, I turned behind and gave my grandma one last look then said," Guess that I'm going to find a perfect guy than him to marry me once I come back."

"No, you don't—" before she even finished her words, I slammed the door with a smile stamped on my face.

Gladly, I was out. And now, I needed to find someone perfect for my candidates.

"Leon, gonna get down!"

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