Nineteen - He's Problem(s)

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"It's my morning after pills." My hand fidgeted as I looked away from his face.

I never take morning after pills cause of my gastric problem. But since I can't let him know about my anxiety—nobody even know—that kept popping out of the blue recently.

My heart told me otherwise, that I needed to tell him but why? Why I should believe him when I didn't even tell my friends about this? What's so special about him for me?

I knew the answer.

His silver eyes stamped on me," I don't believe you." He almost growled at me.

"Y-you shouldn't." I stuttered.

He sighed as he strode over me, pulled the chair at the side of my bed to face me better and closer, I almost scurried away but IV drip on my hand prevented me from moving too much.

Andros glared at me," Tell me the truth." He demanded.

I snorted," Why do I have too?" My eyes went to his," You aren't my boyfriend."

His body went rigid but his lips tugged with a smirk, I frowned," Of course I'm not." He replied.

A pang of hurt suddenly filled my heart as I felt like he was relief that he wasn't my boyfriend. It confused me so much —that he just told Daniel that he was my boyfriend— and I just wanted to have a fake relationship with him.

You should be more focus, I reminded myself.

His face remained stoic that made me scowled from it," So don't act like one." I murmured that his eyes glowered in mad, clenching his jaw tighter.

"Serene." He growled. "If you don't tell me what are those pills you've been taken, consider it is the end for you to take any of those."

I jolted," No! You can't!"


I faced him," I need it."

"Are those drugs, Serene?" I shook my head and pleaded him to not doing so.

He put his arm around his chest and leaned on the chair," Tell me, then."

My lips turned downward as I kept pursing it every time his eyes met mine. Once again, I was defeated by him. Why I felt so weak around him?

I nodded. "Good. Now, tell me." He ordered.

"Not now." He narrowed his eyes as I gulped ," I will tell you at home."

As if he sensed my nervousness, he stood and pulled the blanket over my chest as my eyes bulged. His face was near to mine, but when I was meeting his eyes, he smiled lightly while his eyes crinkled.

"Fine. We talk later." He sighed and kissed me by forehead.

As he walked out from the door, he was leaving me behind in puzzled and dazed. Why he kissed me, my fingertips touched where he just kissed me and my smile broadened.

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