Twenty Eight - Her Job

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What's done is done
No one else could deny
Standing at the outline
Waving for a bye-bye
I know life isn't freeAnd there's what it will be
'Cause done is done

\Over - Killinjanx


"I'm sorry, Taylor. I was—" I took a deep breath as Taylor glanced at me weirdly,"—late."

He smiled widely as he nodded and as usual he took out his iPad to show me the schedule of the event but I took it gently with shaking head. I gave the iPad to one of the member that in charge of greeting people before Taylor could even protest. My face satisfied when he shit his mouth an pursed his lips to prevent from groaning.

"Okay, Taylor. I appreciate your hardworking but sometimes—" I clapped my hand together and my eyes met his,"—you should enjoy the day. It's your holiday. Chill."

A man suddenly showed up between us boy with a tray of champagne, I took two glasses as the man walked away to other people while I handed one of the glasses in my hand to the Taylor.

"Chill." I toasted the glasses with him and winked at him as I walked away.

"But, miss! I don't drink." He shouted while I was far from him and shrugged my shoulders.

My eyes searched for any familiar people that I could talk with, but all I could see was stuck up rich that just showed up to show how rich they were in the auction. They wore nice but unfortunately, it didn't fit their hearts though. My face grimaced, the reason was I knew all the people here but sadly, I didn't have energy to talk all business with him since almost all the people here were late thirties and forties. Rarely, in twenty but some of them also had retired business men in fifties and of course I didn't want to talk to them because well... I had no reason.

"Woah. Careful there!" A man shouted to me but it was too late until I spilled the drink on his shoes.

Phew. I looked up and showed him a guilty face but was replaced as soon as I saw a very familiar face in front of me.

"Jasper!" My eyes widened as I gave him a side hug.

"Hey, Ser. What are you doing here?" Jasper put his glass in one of the table as he focused on me.

I laughed." Are you kidding me? I'm in charge of this event. Not fully, but just a support. You?"

He chuckled but his eyes glanced to the back of him as I looked behind him and saw his twin strikingly walked to both of us. My brows arched and faced Jasper with a question look.

"Actually, my brother told me that a 'sexy girl' will attend to this event and the least I know, it's you." He explained as I laughed with him.

Jax came to my side and gave me a hug with a chaste kiss on my cheeks," Ew." I brushed and scrunched my nose and he amused by my reaction.

"Hey, sexy. Lately, I don't see you often in my restaurant." Jax told me as I bit my lips and laughed nervously.

"About that—"

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