Thirty Three - He's Tired

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It's ridiculous how we all fall in love,
But when we step in, it feels right,
But when we step out, it feels wrong,
Because I think I can never stop falling in love with you.
Right or Wrong - Killinjanx


I woke up around noon as we both had spend our mornings with making love, as I looked at my side, Andros was sleeping soundly and my lips curled. He looked so innocent, with his right hand under my head and with his little snores. I leaned closer and kissed his temple, slowly I hopped off from the bed without waking Andros from his sleep. He looked so tired as same as me, but my thought got so many caught up and I ended up getting up from my sleep. My dream about my father had dissipated like it was never been there in my sleep before, and I felt like I was a new person. Refreshed. Not some kind of feeling like playgirl that slept with a temporary guy.

My hand grabbed Andros' shirt that lied on the floor, I slid from above my head and walked out from the room. It was dark in the room as the curtains still closed, while outside was bright as the sunshine lighten every corner of the space on the house from the big, glass window. I went toward the kitchen, wondering why I should make for lunch for both of us and I doubted that Andros will hungry for food when he woke up.

My hunger decided to make roasted salmon with green beans and tomatoes, because when I searched it up in the web, it sounded pretty great in my ears and my stomach. As I was done with the ingredients, I started to cook and suddenly, my ears heard sound of barefoot steps.

Out of the blue, I was engulfed in a tight hug with linked arms around my waist, and a kiss landed on my bare shoulder that his big shirt sliding, failing to cover my shoulder. But with the look he stared in me, he kind of like it.

"Morning. Nice shirt, by the way." He greeted me, as I smiled as I turned my head, while frying the salmon and spotted the bedhair he got. So sexy.

"It's probably not a morning, babe. More like noon." I kissed the corner of his lips but he moved his face, so I kissed right on his lips. "And thank you. Someone so sleepy that he forgot he ripped my nighties last night."

Andros smirked but looked behind me. His face grimaced when he realized I was cooking but I explained," I can cook, Andros. The last time I cut my finger because you was staring on me. You know I can't focus under your stare." I exclaimed, as he smirked when my face reddened.

"Please wait on the counter. I can't risk my hand to be burnt." I reminded him as he chuckled, he took a seat on the counter as he stared over me.

I didn't realise he wasn't wearing a shirt until he leaned to the counter with his muscle hand that I can't get enough extended on the counter. Sorry, readers. I just too caught up and this Adonis in front of me distracted the other view but him.

He suddenly spoke once I focused on the salmon," I'm afraid I should go to the office after lunch. "

My hand grabbed a spatula and put the piece by piece salmon on the plate as he glanced over me, he strode toward me and handed out his hand," Do you mind?"

"Of course not." He took the plates from me and put on the counter.

"I never know you could do something like this." He told me suddenly, settled utensils on the counter as I glanced over him.

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