Forty - Her Shadow

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I'll follow your trace,
Hunt you in the deep forest,
Knowing I'll lost you,
But I won't let you go.
Danger - Killinjanx

His eyes glued on the picture that was between his two fingers, his sharp jaw tightened when he looked at it but he never seem to let go the picture while his other hand held a turquoise mermaid scale purse that didn't seem to be any classy signature purse.

Andros put the purse in coffee table as the picture was put beside it, he sighed and smiled lightly when he realized the quality of the purse as he examined it clearly.

"She never change." He murmured to himself the threw his gaze out of the balcony, the scenery of his born place never cease his amazement. Italy.

A knock sounded from the door, he turned his head to the back as he stood up from his seat, walking toward the door. As the door opened, the happy faces with grin greeted him as he slammed the door back but Jax held the door from closing.

Andros groaned," What are you doing here, dude?" He stepped aside to give a space for Jason and Jax walked inside.

"Nice suite, bro." Jason complimented as he plopped down in the couch, and Andros replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Bro, I told you!" Jax screamed from the balcony, lifting the picture in his hand and waving to Andros and Jason to see it.

Andros' eyes widened as he hurriedly snatched the picture from his friend's hand while Jason gave him a knowing look. Jax was grinning at Andros as he didn't realize that Jax has another picture with him.

A picture of Serene

"He's missing her, Jason." Jason chuckled as he strangled Andros' neck from the back that Andros glared at them both, while reaching the other picture.

Jax patted his shoulder while Jason was at another side of him, these annoying twin creatures, Andros thought and he decide to go along with them, whatever the thing they will do.

"How are you, dude? Sorry for being rude. " suddenly Jax pinched Andros' right cheek with a playful grin," Aww, didn't you miss me? Cause I am."

Andros elbowed both of them with a deceiving look, and grimaced but the twin did nothing to him instead of laughing hysterically and punched each other.

"Stupid." Andros whispers to himself.

"We heard that, baby broken Andros." Jason shouted with a chuckle as he went toward the kitchen, opened the fridge as he took a can for beer and made himself at home.

"Give me one." Jax hollered as Jason took another can and three toward his twin as he caught it perfectly.

Jason lifted his thumb," Nice catch." As his twin replied him with tilted his head to side, and Jason walked back to the couch and sat down while sipping his beer.

Jax gulped a big amount of the beer and sighed in satisfied," Dude. Nice beer." Andros gave him a blank look and pursing his lips, his friend arched his brow as he clicked his tounge.

"Well, you know what?" Jax put down his can on the table in the middle of the couches, Andros and his twin looked at him with curious face. "It's Saturday, today."

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