Twenty Five - He's Silence

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I was the audience
In my own show, lost in my own trap
Spent trying to think at the same time
What I'd gotten myself into
He let me swinging, hanging
And left me,
Fragiled, shattered.
Against - Killinjanx


Serene had snoozed in the passengers seat as I glanced over her slightly wth a chuckle because she looked totally cute when she slept. Like an innocent angel as seer as cupcake.

Really, Andros? Cupcake?

Yikes. I know. But to remain cold, straight face was kind of hard too because sometimes you just missed somebody in yourself that need to let out. But damn, I'd lost myself like almost three years for now. About three years since I was a fucked up man before.

As the car had arrived and got inside the garage, I spent my time staring at her face as my eyes trailed and tried to memorize her face like a creep. I grinned to myself as her mouth was slightly agaped and I just pecked her soft lips with mine softly. Her forehead wrinkled and formed a soft v between her brows.

I dated her. Honestly I just spoiled the moment when I blurted out,

"It's not like I like you."

What the fuck, Andros. There I messed up the date that I was thinking over a week before she even asked me even though we weren't lovey dovey all the way. Damn you, Andros. Slowly I got out from the driver door and opened the next door, I lifted Serene up gently so I didn't stir her up from her dreamlands.

Not to decide for long, I took her to my room because—just because. I liked it and don't pretend that you don't admired how I decided to put her in my room, readers. I chuckled when her hands went around to find a pillow in my bed then she just hugged on of my pillows and snuggled to it. My eyes lingered on her one last time as I got out to get the car and take the medical record of Leon from Jasper.

I had to do it like this late night because I was afraid Serene gets to find out before I could explain everything to her. And we didn't even talk yet about her medical issues as far as I know and I didn't want to be that fucked up man again. I just want to be a man that was honest and waited for the right time to speak. As I thought longer, I drove my black Mercedes car to my office in hurry.

"Bone cancer. It's rare, dude." Jasper told me as he handed out the medical record in his hand and he was still in his white doctor uniform.

Jasper is one of the owner of private hospital that was a success and luckily Leon had been in his hospital for a long time to make a full of records about him. As my older brother never tell me what cancer he had and he just told me that he will get better soon but turned out he lied.

"He skipped his meal many times and he even skipped his treatments. Why don't I even know that?" Jasper once again spoke it out loud.

I reminded him," He's a fox, remember? Like a cheating fox in his own games." I sighed. "Damn. He lied me and I just knew about it today. How ridiculous is that?"

He snorted and smirked," Yeah. I kind of remember of how he pranked me and I knew after his funeral." Jasper's voice saddened as I nodded slowly.

"Yeah. I miss him, Jas. Kinda sucks that I lost him."

"I'm sorry. I felt it too."

His hand tapped on my shoulder as my eyes stamped on the picture in the record of Leon smiled when he and I were out at the vacation and only both of us neither Jasper and his twin or anybody. It just our holidays. Brothers day out. I smiled from the memories that we went to the Bora Bora.

"You should tell Serene sooner. Before she could complete the jigsaw by her own self." Jasper reminded as my eyes closed and took a deep breath.

I muttered," I should." My chest heaved out as I continued," But not now."

"Is she—" he trailed as he pursed his lips. "If I told you, don't get mad over me."

My eyes narrowed but nodded to let him tell me," She went to my hospital recently for medical check up."

I frowned," So? It's no big deal."

He shook his head and spoke," No! She went to counselling session and did you know anything about her father?"

"Long gone. He was long gone in heaven."

"Heaven, my ass." He spitted as he faced me. "I didn't want to tell you about that because it wasn't my place."

"Dude! What the fuck." I groaned as Jasper went to my door to get out," You have to tell me. What's wrong with her?"

He turned his back and sighed," She messed up, dude. More than you know."

I went my fingers to my hair as my mind lost in thinking," Is she frequently faint?"

"No. Sometimes in the wrong moment." I told him and arched my brow.

Okay, guys.

Actually, I forgot Marc's last name so I randomly put his last name. So if you did remember what his last name.

Well I just remembered and his last name is Rodriguez!!!

Put in the COMMENT! Thanks yeah! Continue reading!

"You need to ask Rodriguez, dude. He is her bestfriend. He knew about this because he told me about her episodes." He explained as my forehead once again wrinkled.

"Marc told you about Serene. Why not me?" I felt a little hurt that Marc didn't tell me about Serene when I was the closest person to her for now.

He shrugged," He's being cautious. Since you know—"

"Since you left her on the altar, Andros."

Believe me, I know. My eyes averted from his stare as I turned my boy to face the view outside of my windows. The door clicked as I looked over my shoulder and knew that Jasper had gone out.

I was the guy that messed up Serene's life, ain't I?

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