Fourteen - Her Date

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I felt uncomfortable, as I was thinking Sean's face when I kissed Andros' cheek in front of him. My hand on my face, face palming when I realized—this is supposed a date to him—damn, I was slow.

As soon as the driver door car shut, I jolted and faced Sean with widened eyes. His eyes crinkled as he smiled sweetly to me, I pursed my lips and replied him a nervous smile. Oh, guilt was crap!

He acted as if nothing happened, I squirmed in my seat as I glanced to him. As if he'd read my mind, he said," Just ask me what've been running in your mind. I saw something messy inside there."

I chuckled as my lips pouted," Sorry." I blurted out.

His eyes focused to the driveway but his eyebrow arched," For what?"

"For kissing Andros in front of you, just now." His frown hardened, but his lips curled. I continued," I know this hang-out is supposed to be a date. But, well—"

"Don't be sorry." He searched for my face, because I looked down to my thigh since I can't face him.

Well, don't say such I was a playgirl for God sake. I will punch you! Even a playgirl have her own soft spot, and I am still human, hello! By the way, Sean was a good guy to begin with, and that's why he got me feeling all these guilty-shit feelings.


"Yeah?!" I faced him and saw he was smiling.

"Don't be sorry." His smile widened." Well, I'm the one that should say that. And I'm taking risk for asking you to hangout with me, remember?"

My moth gaped," But—"

He shook his head," No buts. Well, I'm the one that shouldn't take my hopes up sometimes around you." His hand relaxedly gripped the steering wheel, and I couldn't even read anything in his eyes. Nor sad neither happy.

This guy, I can't even read him.

"Why so?" I gave up to figure out about him as I closed the gap between my back and the seat.

"I never ask you if you'd boyfriend or not. So yeah. My dumb fault." He shrugged. "But you're unpredictable." I frowned from his, err, compliment. Well...

After that, I just shut my mouth while Sean was driving to one of car shop—I wasn't aware if that's what the place should've been called—and my mind scrambled to many things, but suddenly hit my mind fast. Andros was wearing his white shirt, the same shirt he wore last morning.

Was Andros had shower when I kissed him?

I hoped he had. Hmm...

"This one?" Sean asked me, while I gazed to the car he pointed under my lashes.

I shook my head in disapproval," No. It's to glamorous." I commented and walked to the other spot.

He groaned and glared my back," I swear if you haven't choose any of—"


"What?!" He yelled, frustrated. "I'm not done talking to you. To put some sense—wait, what?"

I grinned,"I want that car."

His eyes bulged when I pointed to a yellowish colour car, sporty much and I loved it. Sean shook his head in disbelief.

"That's not the car you wanted at first."

I glanced at him,"Why not?"

" it's freaking Bumble Bee, Ser!"

"So what?! It's bumblebee or not, I want it." Obviously, I just want to ride that car. Duh.

"You can't buy that with cash. You need to make loan, Ser." Sean told me but I pursed my lips and shook my head.

"Why so? I can bare myself to buy this car. Choose. This car or we walk for hours to buy another car?" I threatened him, widened eyes.

"Okay. Okay." He put his hand above his head. "Buy that car. I'm done."

I smirked.

This is my day, babe!

I'm such a bitch.

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