Epilogue - They're Fine

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I'm intelligent,
But when I'm talking with you,
I'm dumb.

His eyes flickered, down to my bumpy stomach as nerves started to wreck myself—as I am not someone who dares to let someone make me anxious— but not to this man. His eyes showed me thousands of mixed feelings that I couldn't figure out and held lots of secrets that he didn't even dare himself to tell me which I was the same as him too. As his mouth moved, I felt like I'd been shotted by bullets with those four words.

  " And whose the baby."

At that time, the only feeling I know was a disappointment... Not because he didn't know the baby was his, but...

Because I didn't dare to tell him myself.

So I ran.


I was stupid

My head was spinning which makes me stopped from staring at the laptop, but I started feeling sick which makes me wonder that I was already in my third trimester. I stood up from my couch even the bumpy stomach made it much harder for me but I succeeded and put the laptop to sleep mode. My legs began to walk to the kitchen step by step as I walked past a mirror that hung on the wall, my steps stopped as I saw my reflection in it.

My eyes widened. I was so pale that made my brow furrowed and I decided to find my iron pills in my cabinet as my doctor told me that I had low blood pressure. Before I could take a glass of water, I felt something trickled down between my legs as I slowly looked down. I felt my heartbeat slowed down as I lifted a bit of my dress and saw the blood trickled down from upper thigh to leg as it ran down to the floor.

"H-huh?" I shivered, feeling cold suddenly as I leaned against the counter because I thought that I might fall at any second.

I didn't want this to end yet, my baby. My beloved baby. " My baby, wait for momma okay? Don't rush to go the world yet, baby."

As I felt my blood trickled, my tears were also running down my cheeks because I felt scared, the thought of my baby leaving me scares me the most.

I didn't want my baby to go before it meets its father.

"Just don't leave me alone. You've all I got now,  my love." I rubbed my stomach.

"Hello? Anybody's home?" a voice came from the living room shocked me from spacing out.

I can't speak or shout out at him to save me. Clichè, I know. But right now, anything was happening so dramatically and I felt like I was dreaming. My vision was blurry but my mouth moved.....

"Y-you came. Andros."

"Ms. Autumn?!  Oh my God!"

Or maybe not.



I didn't know how many times my father shouted at me in my life but never one of those times wavered me, and this time. It did. I was feeling too shit out of myself that my grey eyes didn't dare to lift from the ground to meet his eyes.

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