Three - He's Okay

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"I'm Serene. It's a short meeting to know my last name." I smiled at him, and of-fucking-course, it was genuinely.

He smirked but there crossed nervousness in his eyes when I looked deep into the grayness of his. He cleared his throat and said the cliche," Take a picture, it will last longer."

"Nah. The person in front of me is better than a picture." I played along as he lifted his brows while his fingers played with the tip of whiskey glass.

This guy wasn't throwing himself to me in a minute or second after, I guess. I needed to test him a little more so the tention will becoming more hotter than this. I smirked as I suddenly stood up, batted eyes to him but he paid a glance at me while scoffing.

How dare him. "How about a dance, Andros?" I touched his shoulder as I felt how he flinched when my fingers traced his blade shoulder.

Trust me. I felt the same. But I ignored the feelings and stood on the plan that I agreed before I saw him, he got up and took my hand. My lips stretched to a broad smile as I pulled him slowly to the dance floor.

"I missed this." He said when his hands grasped around my thighs. I gasped as I leant to his hard chest.

He looked down while our bodies swaying along the song," What do you mean?" I asked, feeling the crease of my forehead formed.

He shook his head ran his hand to my shoulder as the other hand around my waist, my breath hitched once again when I felt the electricity flowed along with his touched on my body. And the hand on my bare shoulder didn't help the situation and stop myself from feeling addicted to his touches.

My body was turned, as I faced him," Andros. Tell me." I put my hand on his chest but he was giving me a devil smirk.

He turned me around once again as my back bumped to his chest, his hand around my waist tightened and I could feel his breath close to ear.

"Enjoy the music, Serene." He whispered and swayed our bodies together and my mind was consumed by thinking there were something sensual every time he says my name as he was born to call it.

For a long time, I was suddenly bewitched.

My eyes blinked and opened, slightly flinched when the curtain was suddenly being pulled as sun light came through wildly. I groaned and covered my face with my pillow.

"My, my. The sleeping beauty had wake up." Hearing unfamiliar hoarse voice in the morning made me shot up in the bed with a gasp.

Standing there a man who was half naked, with his pant went dangerously low showing his v waistline, and those naked gorgeous body of the upper side, tousled, bed, brunette hair and a smirk stamped on his face. His eyes crinkled when he met mine as he strode toward me. Oh, what a sight. I could wake up like this everyday and I thought I would faint but when he said—

"Serene?" I looked up and saw he was frowning at me, while I was drooling over him. Damn. Plan, Serene! Plan!

"Yeah." I pulled the comforter to my neck and exhaled his scent in it.

He chuckled from my action," Are you hungry? I will call the room service."

"No. Andros, I'll go." My face went under the comforter as I realised that I had change into a buttoned up shirt with only underwear underneath it.

My cheek showed a deep shade as I hopped out from the bed and Andros eyed me with a frown while his eyes flickered down to my leg—bare legs. My lips curled a smirk as I teased with swaying my legs and bowed down to take my dress lied pathetically on the floor.

But my mouth agape when I saw the shredded dress in my hand, I turned around to see a playful, devil smirk on his face," If you're wondering, you'll stick with me until your friends came to give your clothes. I'm sorry for the dress, but I'm not sorry that it being shredded by me."

My brow arched,"You mean?"

"I don't have a liking of that dress, actually. But that shirt you're wearing. Hell, yeah." He said with a shrug and pretended that he wasn't making my heart race. I bit my lips.

Ew, Serene! You're so easy, my deep self said. I was enjoying, so what!

I narrowed my eyes to him but I gave up with a roll of my eyes, as I went to the bed and lied with a sigh. My face snapped to him as he watched me with a questioned look.

"How about we make it worth before they make it here?" My lips seductively smiled to him as I suggested the idea to him.

He groaned almost painfully, but came to me with a ginger eyes. His hand snaked around my slim waist as he bowed down to side of my ears, he whispered," I guess you're not hungry for food, huh?" He went lower, as he kissed lightly the cleavage of the shirt as I ran my fingers through his already messy hair.

"You guess." I said but it came out a breathless main from my mouth.

Author: thanks for following me Sarajungju bxbylilleh heyeunnie PrettyFlawedWrites BadGirlSupremeee syafikaaisyah hxneycxmbb macynammon liquidXcandy Emma_Daviss leia202013 woodwinds_kick_brass . Woohoo! A lot! Thanks you so much, you're so, so lovely.

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