Two - Her Target

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"Can't you explain why we're here again?" I crossed my leg—and this tight black dress that Blaire made me to wear almost choke my body and prevent to walk here—while I was sitting silently on my stool and giving the pair of lover in front of me a deceiving look.

Blaire smiled lightly and told me," We're here to meet your U-Sub."

I cringed from the nickname as I frowned at her," What 'U'?"

"U-sub. As we known, Unknown sub." Marc explained to me on his fiancée's behalf as I gave them unimpressed look.

I shrugged and took a sip of my beer,"Okay... but we read his file. He's not thaaat unknown as you said it."

"Damn, you're so slow. I never know that I befriend with a slow-witted." Marc palmed his face and gestured for me to come near to him. I rolled my eyes to his mumbling about me and focusing to find the target. But Marc gave me a pouted face.

"Ugh. Fine. I'm listening." He flashed me his toothy grin.

I sighed and moved my body to bow down to him, as his lips reached my ear, he started whispering to me," Okay. You just read his profile but you don't even meet him in real life. That's made him U-sub."

"Yup, I got it." I pinched the bridge of my nose and gave up to ask more about their stupid nicknames," But, even we're here, doesn't mean he's here. Right?"

I looked at them with an arched brow but they gave me a scoff. "What?!" I asked them both but they threw their eyes behind my back.

"I said before. She isn't going to believe us." Blaire whispered to Marc as he glanced at me and back to stare at someone behind me.

"Look behind, Ser. Someone had finished his works." Marc exclaimed and chinned up to someone as I turned around. "8 o'clock."

A man with tousled, brunette hair as I wondered how many time his fingers ran through his hair, with his white shirt that creased hardly shows that he sat in his chair for a long time while his tie was loose and without any guess, he was in stress. I could see his face was looking around but Blaire's voice suddenly get myself lost my focus.

"Again." Blaire sighed beside me.

My eyes still stamp on him, watching him from afar didn't give any good because I couldn't see his face very well," What 'again'?"

She pointed to me and gained my attention," Look. You're comparing he and him." She patted my shoulder and continued," Just forget him, and start with that him."

She pointed the guy that was walking toward the bar, where they were sitting right now but as I realised Blaire was pulling Marc to the dance floor and I knew very well what they were playing. They fucking left me with this U-sub. Damn. Their nicknames consumed my brain enough to remember.

"Give one glass of whiskey, Jax." I almost choked my vodka when I heard a hoarse voice that sounded so familiar beside me.

It can't be him.

"Tough day, Drayson?" The bartender pouted a water in the glass as he pushed in front of the guy beside me.

"Yeah. My father told me to shut down this business. What he's thinking? He must be crazy." The guy named Jax snickered and went on the conversation.

I quietly looked at the man beside me with the corner of my eyes and saw him gulping the whiskey with one gulp, my breath hitched. But the reason wasn't because he was sexy, but he was like— a splitting image of Leon, my ex-fiancé. His voice was the same. No, it can't be.

But how? Suddenly I felt gazes on me but I pushed off from my thought and sipped my vodka, looking away from them.

"—you could try, dude."

Andros groaned and replied," I'd rather drown in this glass from hitting on her." He ran his fingers through his hair again.

"You need a hook up, man."

"Shh! She gotta hear that, dude." He warned the bartender.

As the bartender caught me looking at Andros, he smirked and went in front of me while I looked like someone was caught stealing cookies in the kitchen, my cheek reddened.

"I'm sorry, gorgeous. My friend beside you—" I pointed to Andros as Jax nodded," —yes, him. Is actually kinda want to talk to you."

My eyes glanced at Andros nervously as I faced Jax with eyes widened, while Andros was watching at me that warmed my face enough to make me run to hell. My grip around my glass tightened as I stretched my lips for a smile to Jax.


"No problem." He tilted his head and left me alone with Andros at the bar.

It was kind like you being sucked in black hole, and all you do nothing as you can't talk, you can't walk, almost nothing. I called it 'awkward'. You want to run to someone but you can't.

"I'm not hitting on you." He mumbled but I can't quite catch what he said as I faced him for the first time.

I gasped while he was looking down and played with his ring around his finger, I replied," What?"

"I'm not hitting—" he was furious when he turned to look at me, but the moment we both faced each other almost took my breath away for a second time."—on you."

His eyes looked at me in disbelief as they were diluted and made his eyes bigger, as if he was shock to see me there. At the same time, I was analysing himself and I could tell he tried to hide his shock when he saw me. My eyes stopped in his pair of eyes, they were beautiful but—

His eyes were gray. He wasn't Leon .

"I'm Andros Drayson ." He handed his hand to me as I glanced down at his hand, and my eyes widened. I took his hand and shook.

"Nice to meet you, Andros Drayson." I smirked when I she our linked, shook hands together.

That was easier than I'd ever thought, isn't it?

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