Thirty One - He's Liar

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Changing myself as if attires,
Forgetting the old myself,
Doing the same mistakes all over,
Let myself fall all over the edge,
Concern that I will be better,
But lose myself at the same time.
Drama - Killinjanx


"What? Emergency call?!"

I looked at Sam- um, James with aborted face as I put my hand at the side of my waist with the file of the contract at my side. He scrolled in his phone to check his call log, reminding himself if he had ever call Andros. Well, I thought if Andros lied to me, how about me? I lied to him too, but it was too cliché to stop at here, ain't I right? If he wasn't speaking truth to me, then I'll too.


I smirked as James put down his phone, and looked at me," I didn't think someone called for him. "

My eyes widened as I remembered Andros' phone in my pocket," That remind me for his phone. Can you give it to him and tell that I called you to get this phone?"

He looked puzzled but he took the phone and nodded. Before he turned his back, I called him," Sam! Keep this between us and don't tell anything that I stepped inside his company. Like ever!" I strictly reminded him.

I was about to step away but he frowned and stopped me," Just like that? You don't even want to know about Leon if you get the chance to know when you meet him?"

He was right, I thought but I shook my head instead," What's the point, Sam. He'll lie to me in the end, right?"

He looked down to his feet as his facial expression broke as if his hope had been let down by me. But it was the truth, the reality here. Even Andros liked me, he will never tell me something that he won't share with me because that's how a human did when they're... Scared?

Yes. Just like myself.

"See your boss later." I told him as my back faced him but not before I could glance to his face as it lit up after I told him, " I'll miss you, Sam."

He chuckled and shrugged his shoulder as he strode to the elevator, leaving behind myself alone at the doorstep. I sighed and walked out to the door, Williams turned to face me, but he looked shock than I was expected.

"Miss Autumn? A short meeting with Mr Leon?" I was about to go to where my car parked but he spoke.

I looked from my shoulder," Why did you call him Mr. Leon? Ain't he supposed to call Mr Drayson?"

He frowned from my question but then he explained," They always appreciate their middle name than their last name. I think, that's why it stick until now to all employees."

I bit my inner cheek," Oh. Thanks." I mumbled and stepped to my car with all messed up things in my head.

So who is Leon Adrian? Who is my fiancé, really? Maybe I can find out from the picture he hid from me.

"I'm surprised that you come here, Ser." Blaire came from the kitchen with a box of pizza, my mouth dropped from the smell of it.

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