Forty One - He's Hers

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"I was there for you,
You were there for me"

Serene's POV

Have you ever felt the need to run but your feet stay rooted to the ground, if not, have you ever felt when you were in the moment your stupidity controlled your own breathing rate but you already been breathing for years since you been born

That's what happened to me in this time. Anxious. Sad. The adrenaline that have been secreted through my body was not helping me at all, as my eyes looked down and started to blur. I imagined that my deep soul laughed at me for being stupid in the past and I was very sure that I'm not crying...

Yes I know that the time will come anything and it such a karma that it would come in a wrong timing.


My breath stopped in second as I felt like the surrounding was too suffocated for me. The voice that I'd been missing for about a year but strangely I can't still stare him on the eyes but the blurry vision prevented me to do so and it was an excuse.

I knew that all eyes stamped on us but I can't help to just stand and if I could ever turn back, I still want to stay still here and look at him—but I don't think that it would be the best idea.

"A-Andros. I-I'm so, so...." my voice stuttered annoyingly, thinking that I was such a loser.

I didn't know myself at all now, who this girl that wasn't brave enough to face her mistake like before. It was a joke to myself, as my eyes welled up with tears even more and I closed my face with my both palms.

I hate this! I'm crying and I already promised myself.

"Serene." I heard his steps, it was getting closer.

I shook my head," I'm sorry. Sorry, Andros." My body started to shaking, blamed my sobbing.

The second I know, he did the least thing that I expected he would do and I ended up crying hardly. God damn, I hated him that he could make feel like this. I hate you, Andros.

I hate you so much.

Yet I love you.

"Baby. It's okay." He hugged me from the front but as I looked down and my bumpy belly, he wasn't that closer but that was enough for him to pat my head.

"Let's go back and we can talk more." And he did again the thing that I wouldn't think he would do.

He kissed my forehead.

I looked up, shockingly stared at him but he only flashed me a wide smile that always make me feel like dying every time I saw it. He lowered his face and let our forehead touched as he closed his eyes.

"I'm mad at you, baby. I'm really mad at you that I can't describe it." My breath hitched but he continues," but... It took longer for me to love you than being mad at you. And it's not worth it to be mad right now as I already met you."

He pulled away and opened his eyes as he stared on my confusedly self," I would be mad at myself if I can't meet you for another year. But never to you." He cupped my face and smiled again and I knew it wasn't a forced smile, his finger went to the corner of my eyes and wiped the tears.

But his eyes were looking at me so sadly that made my heart crumpled but I got it, it was my fault. I know.

His hand went down to my side and grabbed me to my side, as he held my hands as he said once again," Let's go back, baby."

"WHOA! That's my friend everybody!" Jax hollered out of the blue as my eyes widened and I looked around and I regretted that decision.

The reality hit our realisation, we were still in the mall as Deanna and Andros' father, Leon Davies were looking at Andros like he was a weird creature but it was a different story to Jax and Jason; the crazy twins, as they smiled widely as if they were proud of him.

"Fuck off, man." He mumbled but glared at the twins. I could see that there were blushes on his cheeks, reddish ears and so myself.

"Make yourself at home," He said as he left me sitting on the couch as my eyes wandered around the hotel room while he was walking to somewhere that I guess, was a kitchen. The twins, Deanna and Leon Davies were out walking to... Well, do whatever they think they can do.

There were two bottles opened cans of beer and to me, Andros wasn't someone to drink beers two cans in a same day because he hated the taste of it. But to find the opened cans, made me questioned myself how he was doing for almost a year ago without me? I wasn't brave enough to ask him  for now.

"Jax and Jason decided to show up in front of my door today and drank those in early of the day." Told Andros to me when he saw where my eyes stamped on while bringing a mug of I don't know what it contained at first.

Until he put it on the table, my eyes widened as I tried to act cool. Oh god. The smell of the coffee made myself felt wanting to throw up a gallon of my brunch this morning but I chose to stay still and  handled it from doing so. Phew, fortunately the morning sickness had gone.

"Coffee?" Andros asked as I slowly nodded, resisting myself from saying 'no' to him.

Politely he placed the mug in front of me and flashed me  a smile as if he waited for me to drink the coffee he made. Oh, damn. I reached for the handle of mug and took it close to my lips, the smell came from the coffee made my head spinning that I almost making a disgusted face but thinking that he was watching me, I took a gulp.


I didn't taste the bitterness as I opened my eyes and saw the mug wasn't in my hand—but in his hand, I frowned.

He shook his head and poured the coffee into the sink," I know about this, Serene. " I did jgn get to see his face because his back faced me.

"From you're going to check up for baby. And what you work for. " he put down the mug inside the sink and looked down as he sighed.

He turned his face and I could see there was a slightly sadness that crossed in his eyes.

"I just don't know where you are." He stated and took a deep breath as his eyes flickered down to my boy stomach.

"And whose the baby."

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