Twenty Six - Her Likings

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Dedicated to foodislife29


A little harsh don't hurt
I just want to keep you safe
But why would you think the otherwise
And took it in the other way
Why would you think of me in that way
'cause I thought you better
but I knew no better
You - Killinjanx


My breath hitched as I woke up in shock because a dream that I had just now. Andros was beside me moved a little as his hand went to my side and pulled me toward him.

"Sleep." He ordered with his hoarse voice showed that he just woke up as myself.

My body felt tired as I breathed in deeply and leaned against the headboard to calm down.

I'm done dreaming about father. I groaned mentally as I put my head in Andros' chest as if I had do same thing before.

Alarm was ringing from my phone, as I guess it was seven in morning but when my hand reached the phone on the desk board, my eyes bulged. It was freaking ten I morning. My eyes trailed around to find Andros figure but counting on the time, he probably had gone to his office.

Talking about work, Taylor hadn't informed me anything about the company that made me dialled his phone number right away. The dialling made me waiting as I chose to sit at the edge of the bed instead of standing.

"Hello?" Taylor's voice was busied by the voices interrupted at the back of the call.

"Hi, Taylor. Where are you right now?" I asked with a frown started to form on my temple.

"Sorry, Miss Serene. I'm in the charity that you had been planning to go last year and I'm sensing that you're busy.." he answered in guilt as I bit my lips.

I almost laughed." Me, busy? Who told you?"

"Mr Rodriguez ."

Damn you, Marco! I rolled my eyes as I told Taylor that I'll be there in an hour since the charity was held close to this house. I may had forget about my work sometimes, who wasn't when you had a hottie by you side?

About the hottie, where's Andros? My legs went out from the door after I opened the curtain and let the sun rays filled in the room. It was a sunny day as if the sun was smiling mockingly toward me that I just woke up for the morning. It almost blinding me to stare directly the sun as walked out from the room and climbed down the stairs.

I headed to the kitchen that I almost had heart attack when I saw Andros with only in his khaki pants busied cooking in there. My eyes blinked that I felt myself imagining things in the morning as my head tilted to the side, tried to figure things out as well.

"Make yourself comfortable."

His voice shut me off from my thought as I faced him that was still frying chicken—I believed—and put all his focus onto it as I held myself from chuckling. So cute that he made cooking as if his business job. I went to the counter and settled myself on one of the stool as I found myself had my chin resting on my thumb with my index  and forefinger on my lips while admiring the half naked Adonis in the kitchen cooked.

What a sight, I sighed.

"You've got to stop staring me 'cause I think that I may burnt our breakfast in anxious." I chuckled from his exclaim.

"Geez. You're being over dramatic over there." He rolled his eyes as he set the fried chickens with waffles on each plate.

"Done. Waffles and chicken for brunch." He exclaimed as he put on the counter.

He joined me by sitting beside me and grabbed fork and knife as he handed out it to me. I smiled in grateful as I took and started eating. My eyes widened when I tasted the chicken with honey that melted in my mouth as I moaned lowly.

He looked over me with a smirk as I spoke," You could be a chef aside from being a boss of the club."

He shrugged and took the knife to cut the chicken as he munched with a proud look drawn on his face. Was I praising him too much?  Minutes later, he cursed incoherently as he stopped eating and went to the fridge.


"I forgot orange juice. Damn, I'm not too keen in preparing food ain't I?" He asked me as I stared at him like he grown two heads.

As he poured the orange juice from the carton, he placed two glasses of  orange juice on the counter with a satisfied grin.

"Thank you." I took one of the glasses. I gulped a little as it felt weird when you were drinking while somebody looked at you constantly.

I cleared my throat and faced him," You didn't work today?"

He shook his head," I wanted to make up our date from here."

"You mean?"

He put down his utensils as he turned his body toward me with a smirk, his hand went to brush my cheeks as he lowered his head because his height was killing me to keep on facing him.

"We need explain things from here."

"Huh?" My head was in chaos.

"When I told you I want to try this relationships, I lied." My heart accelerated.

Was he going to end thing? Panic suddenly intrude the moment as I tried to calm myself down and heard his explanation.

"I like you, Serene. Too much, that I almost chased off every guy that look over you."

Oh my?! Am I dreaming?

He took my hands as he covered with his and kissed the palm of my hands. I gasped and my mind went wild. This game was killing me that made me lie to myself either. He was making me too overwhelmed with his sudden passion. If I died tonight, I'd die as a happy person.

His thumb brushed softly my cheek as he closed the distance between us and my eyes closed from his action. Our foreheads touched as I felt his heavy breath  mixed with mine, while his lips slowly touched mine softly. One thing that occupied my mind was I never lie one thing to him.

"I like you too." I whispered softly between the kisses.

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