Intro | ⋆⑅˚₊

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Yoo Jeongyeon

"I'm sorry... I can't accept this..."

This memory replays in my head every night in my dreams.

"I-I don't understand..."

The fake timidness, the quick glances at my face.

"Please Jeongyeon don't make this harder than it already is..."

Why is it so difficult? We've been friends for so long? Don't you like me?

"W-what's w-wrong with me then?!"

Wrong word choice. Stupid word choice.

Fuck, he's looking at me. Don't do it, don't give me those pitiful eyes. It disgust me even now looking at them.



He moves his hand to slightly ruffle his hair in nervousness


"It's just..."





Don't say it!!!!

"Spit it out!!!!!"

No please!

He's getting flustered. I'm getting angrier by the second.


Please stop while your ahead!

"I-I'm what?!?! What's wrong with me?!?!"


"Jeongyeon.... y-your just not that feminine looking...."

I wake up, and curl myself into a ball on my bed. My stomach feels nauseous and my head is pounding, my heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

Don't be stupid Jeongyeon, you did this to yourself.

The voice in my head tells me all the things I don't like to hear and the tears begin to well up in my eyes again.

I cry for so long I tire myself out and fall back soundly asleep until the next night when my never ending nightmare replays over and over again in my dreams to wake me up again the next night.

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