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Yoo Jeongyeon

I made my way through the door and into the large two story party house also known as the Manoban residence. Quickly finding where the drinks were, I rested on an open wall looking over the commotion of the bulky football players roughly bounced the balls for beer pong and their overly perfumed cheerleader girlfriends.

Ugh someone spiked the punch... whatever just don't drink too much... your driving Yeri home....

Your eyes quickly scanned to Yeri, Jennie, and Jisoo approaching you by your wall. "Jeongyeon, you look so good! You should come to parties like this all the time and ditch your sporty look, this fits you much better!" Jennie smiles and hugs you tightly. She isn't trying to be mean but what she says really hits home.

Maybe she's right... but even now... I don't look anything like these other girls...

As if on que Yeri notices my discomfort and pushes Jennie and Jisoo away and continues to talk to me with a red punch cup in hand. She moves her hand to softly touch circles on my back to comfort me "don't take what their saying seriously, their two screws loose from a whole." She chuckles a bit looking for a reaction that I don't give but instead give a slight smile but look into my alcohol filled punch and feel my stomach tighten from my own negative thoughts.

"Hey Jeon, seriously don't listen to it. Here let's go dance or something."

"I-I don't know Yeri, I'm not really comfortable doing that and I-"

"Jeongyeon?" I hear a familiar voice come from a short pink haired boy coming closer to Yeri and I.

"I-I mean yes! Of course we can! In fact... let's go now!"

I pulled Yeri onto the dance floor much to her surprise and started to move my hips from side to side slowly getting into it.

That punch must be catching up with me... I should probably slow down...

But inner-turmoil being pushed aside because as I'm being more cautious of my surroundings, I see him.


He's holding a cup and talking to some guys from my third period, slowly sweeping his pink bangs out of his line of sight.

"He's so perfect..." I sighed aloud, and before I knew what was happening Yeri began speaking a mile a minute.

"Wait! Jeongyeon, you like Jimin?!?!"

"W-what?! W-w-who said that?!"

"You did, just now."

"Pfff no! Believe me Yerim I have much more important things to worry about!"

"Riiiiiight, like that cute raven haired girl who wants to date you?"

"Besides I don't eve- wait. How do you know about her? And she doesn't want to date me we're just friends! Well-... acquaintances... strangers?..."

I honestly wasn't sure what my relation to Nayeon was but I knew she was interesting and always happened to show up when dealing with my inner demons.

"I think you should get to know her better, she might surprise you."

"You never answered my question..."

"I honestly don't know her at all, just heard people talking about her around the halls since she's a newbie and she's very popular with people."


"You'll, understand later." Yeri then pats me on the back and walks away "oh! And if you want to stop being a weenie about the Jimin situation idd suggest it be right now since he's coming right this way."

I begin to panic, 'shit! He's almost here, I can't move anywhere else either so I'm stuck here... maybe he's just trying to get on the dance floor? Or maybe...'


He wants to talk to me...

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