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An: *trigger warning ⚠️* if you are sensitive to hearing people speak negatively about themselves or have body dysmorphia problems this chapter might not be for you, Jeongyeon's way of coping with things in this book are extremely unhealthy and very dangerous. If you know someone like this or you act like this please talk to someone you care about or are comfortable with, they want to see you happy and healthy please be safe everyone!

Yoo Jeongyeon

"H-hey, Jeongyeon..."

It's you.

I try to look him in the eyes, but it hurts I can't do this now. I need to say something but the words seem stuck.

"H-hi...." I say barley above a whisper.

I hate this.

I loathe this.

I feel like my heart and lungs are going to collapse right here.

"I-I haven't seen you in awhile... how've you been?"

Hating everyday of my existence.

Constantly living in self-depreciation, and disgust on the way I look and sound.

Trying, clinging so desperately to try and become like "normal" girls.

"I-I've been alright..."

Your such a liar.

A pathetic, useless, ugly, liar.

"O-oh! T-that's good... y-y-y'know my mom still asks about you and all she was pretty worried after..."

"After I told you how I felt and you denied me?"




"N-no, no it's okay. I understand why you said what you said..."


"Jeongyeon I never meant to hurt you feelings, I miss us. Please talk to me right now." He reaches close to me to hold my hand.




"Leave me alone..." I mumble.

"Jeongyeon please, let me talk to you and explain myself. I need to talk to you."

No, go away.


"I said leave me alone."



I'm already hurting leave me alone already!

"Jeongyeon please..."



Haggard, no wonder Jimin said those things to you look at how ugly you are.

"P-please, leave." I whimper out as tears start to form in my eyes.

"Jeongyeon hey, seriously what's going on with you... please tell me... come here..." he's about to put his hands on mine until I hear the voice again.

He will never love you, he just feels sorry for you. Just get out of his sight forever, it'd be better if you were just forgotten.


The last thing I remember is a loud smack, a pink hand print, and a terrified looking Park Jimin.

An: I apologize to those who did not expect their to be a trigger warning on this chapter, I wanted to be careful about how I approached these certain scenes and subjects. They're very difficult to write and must be done a certain way in case scenarios where people suffer from the same kinds of thoughts, again if you or your friend have these kinds of thoughts feel free to talk with them or someone you feel comfortable with. Negative thoughts can cloud your mind, and it's a terrible ugly feeling. But never feel like you can't tell someone about what your going through, they're always is someone there to help.

Pretty Girl ➸ 2YeonWhere stories live. Discover now