
513 32 8

Yoo Jeongyeon

"Oh that's right! I decided to ask Nayeon to come along since she drove me home last night after the party! I thought it was only fair!" Yeri explained while grinning really big like a child.

Kim Yerim I'll get you for this I swear!

"O-oh really? T-thanks Nayeon..." I exchanged a quick glance at her face then quickly looked down to try and focus my eyes and mind on something else so that I wouldn't freak out by such a pretty girl I didn't know too well sitting close to me.

"Awe don't mention it angel, and now that I got your name looks like your gonna be stuck with me for awhile Jeongyeon." I snapped my head back to stare directly at the raven haired girl smirk at me cherry red lips as usual on full display for the world to ogle, I could already feel my face heating up.


Before I could say anything and further embarrass myself Yeri cut me off,

"Angel? What a cute name! Nayeon if I knew any better idd day you were a world class flirt!..." Yeri smirked at the both of us curiously.

"Drinks! We need drinks! What does everyone want?!" I shoot up from the booth just as I knew my face was bright red and that the situation was going to get even more suggestive.

"Oh what a great idea Jeongyeon! Idd like a Frappuccino! Nayeon, you can go with Jeongyeon to order since she's paying for mine as her debt for leaving me last night!" Yeri smiles at me while scrunching her nose when I shoot my eyes to hers making them look as menacing as possible.

She planed this entire moment... damn her!

"Ok fine, come on Nayeon let's go..." I said moving away from the booth and walking over to the stand leaving Nayeon confused and shocked at my sudden confidence.

"Coming angel! Gee I think really I like this commanding side of you, you should be more dominant around me." The raven haired girl flirtatiously comments to me while catching up to my pace and landing both of us at the register ready to give our orders.

Hello higher power, it's me Jeongyeon... please get me out if this situation as soon as possible or this pretty girl will be the end of me!!!!

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