The Day After

419 32 5

Yoo Jeongyeon

"P-please leave..."

Great... another nightmare...

"Jeongyeon hey, seriously what's going on with you... please tell me... come here..."

Why am I being so terrible? He was only trying to help...

How? by telling you your the unattractive pig that you are?

I already know what's going to happen why do nightmares have to be so cruel?


I shoot up from my bed, my hair covering my face and waking up to sunlight blaring into my eyes.

"Great... another brand new nightmare... maybe now the old one will go away..."

My stomach hurts. I feel super guilty about what happened last night, and In my blind panic I forgot to take Yeri home.


"Ugh she's gonna kill me..." I groan rubbing my face in frustration.

When I left the party I threw up outside and managed to stumble back to my car, I can't really remember much of the rest of the night but at this point I really didn't want to.

"And Jimin..."

I facepalmed myself rubbing my palms on my head easing the headache that was yet to come.

"I'm terrible, absolutely terrible!"

I embarrassed him, he was trying to be a good friend and I embarrassed him. Why did I even have to have feelings for him? Why couldn't I have just stayed along with what we had going on and pushed my feelings aside and been happy just being his friend huh?

I groan and get up off my bed picking up my phone and reading the multiple text see on screen.

You, me, and La Vie Café. I will be here all day until you get here I will not leave my spot period, plus I brought someone along who wanted to see you. - Yeri💜

The last sentence left my stomach feeling even more queasy, what if it was Jimin? What if he was going to tell me he never wanted to see me again? What if it's something worse?

"Yeri usually doesn't plan these kinds of things on willy nilly, so whatever it is seems pretty serious..."

I put on a plain white shirt and slip on some jeans and converse before picking up some aspirin for my head and my car keys.

Today was just the beginning of the longest week of my life.

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