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Yoo Jeongyeon

Great now what is it?!

"I don't have to explain anything to you..." my voice low and out of breath from running for so long.

"Oh I know, just figured you'd seen a ghost from running like that..."

I bring my knees up closer to my chest and turn to look at the mystery person.

"Well I didn't ask from any kind of help so if you could refrain fro-" I now turn to look directly at the unknown stranger.

It's that girl!

"Oh that's a shame... I'd figured you'd actually liked me from our first chance encounter today.." her eyes staring into mine softly and I can't help but feel weak under the stare.

What is happening to me?

"W-well I don't like you, and how could I? I don't even know your name!" I shoot up from my spot under the tree and dust off the grass and dirt from off my skirt looking back over to the ruby red lipped girl smirking at me.

Does she think this is funny???

"Well angel last time I checked you haven't give me a name either. And what am I supposed to do with "angry girl who has grandma like music taste and puffs cheeks out when she's angry?""

Angel? A pet name?!? ugh this girl is so confusing! If she had a name idd-!

"Why do you care so much about learning my name?! You obviously have much better and more important things to attend to or at least I'm assuming..."

I smirk back at her from knowing I've won, she has no comeback and is at a loss for words. Yes Jeongyeon! Hook, line, and sinker!

But she doesn't look so amused...

The smirk on her face quickly disappears and she starts to move closer and closer into my personal space.

W-what is she doing?!?!

Her figure comes closer and closer to mine and I inch farther and farther away from her backing myself up against the tree from how forceful this girls being.


Even though I'm slightly taller than her, her eyes bore into mine with a look I can't truly describe much like the girl in front of me. Her face is edging closer and closer to mine and my heart starts to beat rapidly from feeling her breath fan against my face and neck, mixed with the smell of her flowery perfume.

"My names Nayeon angel, and clearly you need to be more observant and stop worrying about what others do and say..." her eyes are gleeming into mine and my cheeks feel extremely heart as my heart beat is pumping out of control.

Why am I not pushing her away?!?!

Once the mystery girl now named "Nayeon" got her point across she moved away from me with a grin on her ruby red lips and walked away from me leaving me embarrassed, lost, and confused on what just happened.

A-are pretty girls always this forward?

An: hi everyone! I hope your still enjoying the story the next chapter I can assure you the story will most definitely progress, I feel like rn it's a bit at a stand still but it's simply because of the build up and whatnot and for you to get to know the characters a bit before it gets confusing with multiple povs and etc. so I hope you enjoyed the chapter and liked a bit of the 2yeon goodness in this chapter, for this is only the beginning!

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