Chapter 6

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Flowerkit woke up from another dreamless night with not to much surprise. She shook moss from her fur and narrowed her eyes through the dim light of the nursery, Bumblekit stretched and prodded Poppytail awake excitedly, "Mom wake up our ceremony is happening any moment now!"

Poppytail huffed and sat up, "Then its time for your wash." Bumblekit made an effort to escape but his mother grabbed him and groomed his striped pelt.

Flowerkit sighed sadly and groomed her own pelt until her sleek black fur shined. She ignored her mom and squeezed through the nursery exit, blinking at the sudden burst of sunshine.

She narrowed her eyes in the glint and sank back into the shade. Warriors padded around the clearing, the deputy was barking orders and sending off patrols.

Duskstar bunched his muscles and leaped up onto the Highledge, lifting his head to call out, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!"

Again excitement plunged through her and Flowerkit bounded over to gather with the other cats. Sedgeberry, followed by Starlingcall and Sparrowstrike, who settled next to Flowerkit, touching his nose to her ear.

Flowerkit exchanged a glance with her brother. "Bumblekit please step forward, the striped kit stood tall and stepped forward." Duskstar's voice echoed through the clearing, "Do you promise to work hard to learn out ways, and to listen to and learn from your mentor?"

Bumblekit puffed out his small chest and said, "I promise." Duskstar dipped his head, "Then from this moment on until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Bumblepaw."

Duskstar swooped his gaze over to a tortoiseshell tom with deep ember eyes, "Wrentooth you are ready to take on another apprentice, I know you will pass on your courage and loyalty to this young apprentice."

Wrentooth dipped his head and padded over to Bumblepaw, the two touched noses respectfully and padded over to sit by the other apprentices and their mentors.

Duskstar turned his gaze to Flowerkit, "Flowerkit do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to listen to and learn from your mentor?"

Flowerkit nodded, "I do." Duskstar's eyes glinted to let her know that he had not forgotten their agreement. "Then from this moment on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known from a different apprentice name then your original kitname, Flowerkit shall now be known as Shadowpaw."

A ripple of surprise passed through the cats, and out of the corner of her eye Shadowpaw saw her mothers eyes darken for a second. "I will be your mentor, and I will do my best to pass on all I know to this young cat."

He leaped down and touched noses with her, "Clan dismissed." He called to the cats, who separated off to talk in clusters.

Bumblepaw bounded over, "Shadowpaw huh? I like the sound of that!" He smiled cheerfully and batted at her. Shadowpaw laughed and thought, I promise that I will be the greatest warrior the clans have ever seen!

(Yay there's another chapter! And it didn't take days to come out XD, hope you guys enjoy it, and do you like the new name? Let me know in the comments below, baiii <3 Jade)

Warrior Cats Book 1: A Dark Path- Dusk of the ClansWhere stories live. Discover now