Chapter 10

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Shadowpaw was eager to sleep that night, and was as glad as she could be considering how sad and furious she was. Shadeheart stood in front of her, his yellow eyes boring into hers, "So you wish to kill these two warriors?"

Shadowpaw nodded, her eyes sparking with rage as the two RiverClan cats were mentioned. Shadeheart grinned, "The time is now, tonight, I will guide you, if you trunk your ready?"

Shadowpaw snarled, "Of course I'm ready." Shadeheart looked taken aback by her temper, then grinned darkly. Shadowpaw closed her eyes, opening them again to be in the apprentices den. The other cats were curled up sleeping, and she silently creeped out of the den, careful not to tread on Foxpaw's tail.

Shadowpaw followed Shadeheart's instructions and headed for the dirt tunnel, clinging to the shadows so she was practically invisible.

Shadowpaw waited until the camp guard looked the other way to slip out into the forest, she found wild garlic and rolled in it to disguise her scent.

Finally she hared away to RiverClan, bounding silently over the stepping stones.

Shadowpaw padded along, the revolting fish stink getting stronger, and a wall of reeds appeared ahead. That must be the camp! Shadowpaw crouched and slipped through the dirtplace tunnel.

The black she-cat slunk into the RiverClan warriors den. When she saw the two toms who killed her father she almost lost it, but Shadeheart warned her to keep her cool.

Shadowpaw jabbed the two cats and they leaped to their paws, staring at the young black she-cat in surprise. Shadowpaw whirled around, slowly waving her tail back and forth as she padded out the dirtplace tunnel.

She heard the pawsteps of the cats following, and one of them called out, "Who are you!" Shadowpaw broke into a run, and the cats pursued her.

Shadowpaw skidded to a stop at the RiverClan and ThunderClan border. She sat and turned her head toward the two cats with a smile as they slowed down in front of her.

The larger tom bristled and growled, "Why are you on our territory!" The smaller tom sent a harsh glare toward the bigger cat, and said in a gentle tone, "Could you leave our land, we don't want trouble."

Shadowpaw giggled, "Sorry but I cant." The smaller tom tilted his head, "Why is that?" Shadowpaw giggled again, "Well I cant kill you two in another clans territory."

The two toms recoiled in surprise, and Shadowpaw giggled again, as if she were joking and the other two cats laughed a bit too.

Lightning fast Shadowpaw lashed out, slicing the bigger toms neck. The smaller tom stared frozen in horror as his friend let out a strange gurgling sound and collapsed onto the stone, blood pouring onto the stone.

The smaller tom regained his senses and unsheathed his claws, snarling where the she-cat had been, but the black cat was gone.

The tom backed away horrified, and ran straight into Shadowpaw. His bloodcurdling scream was abruptly cut off as she slit his throat, washing her paws off in the stream.

Shadowpaw grinned with one last look at the two cats bodies before sneaking back into camp and curling up in her nest.

Shadowpaw closed her eyes, darkly satisfied with her actions, surprising herself with how good she felt killing those two cats, truly revenge was sweet.

(If that isn't a bad kitty I don't know what is! Tell me what you guys think in the comments! Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you liked it! <3 Jade)

Warrior Cats Book 1: A Dark Path- Dusk of the ClansWhere stories live. Discover now