Chapter 24

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All of the fears and worries that had been clouding Shadowpaw from the dream meant nothing now, because then and there it was just her and Foxflame. Shadowpaw purred, never being happier as she nuzzled into Foxflame's neck, his purr thrumming in her ears. "Lets go back to camp before they wonder where we went." He murmured, and Shadowpaw nodded, the two padding back to camp side by side, their pelts brushing.

The black she-cat and the russet tom walked into camp together, a few cats sending mischievous glances their way, but Shadowpaw couldn't care less. Duskstar had returned with his patrol, they had only managed to get a few mice and a scrawny sparrow in the cold forest. The ThunderClan leader leaped onto the Highledge, the setting sun behind him casting a shadow over the clearing. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" The dark gray leaders voice boomed through the clearing, his fiery orange eyes sweeping over the gathering cats.

Bumblepaw helped Swanfeather limp over to gather, Mintpaw, followed by Swiftfoot padded from across the clearing to join the gathering cats. "I know that we have many problems to be starting out leaf-bare," The leader began, "However ThunderClan is strong, the nursery may be empty, but there is always hope." Shadowpaw felt Foxflame shift next to her, the young warrior seemed worried for the path ahead.

"There is something that I must do, for it is well past due for this ceremony to take place." Duskstar meowed, letting his words sink in for a heartbeat before continuing. "Mintpaw, please step forward." The she-cats' mint colored gaze flew wide and she stepped forward, trembling in excitement. "Mintpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

The apprentices voice shook, but there wasn't a trace of doubt, "I do." Duskstar nodded, "Then I, Duskstar, leader of ThunderClan call upon our warrior ancestors to look down upon this young she-cat. She has trained hard to learn your noble ways and will be made a warrior in return. Mintpaw, from this day on you will be known as Mintbreeze, StarClan honors your courage and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Mintbreeze bowed her head to lick her leaders shoulder as he rested his muzzle over her head, then stepped back next to her mentor with the warriors as the clan called out, "Mintbreeze! Mintbreeze!".

"Bumblepaw, Shadowpaw, please step forward." Duskstar meowed, and surprise coursed through her as she stepped forward. "Do you, Shadowpaw and Bumblepaw promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Bumblepaw's whiskers quivered with excitement, "I do."

Shadowpaw looked determinedly at her leader, no hesitation in her meow, "I do."

Duskstar's eyes glittered with pride, "Then I, Duskstar, leader of ThunderClan call upon our warrior ancestors to look down upon these two apprentices. They have trained hard to learn your noble ways and will be made a warriors in return. Bumblepaw, from this day on you will be known as Bumbleflash, StarClan honors your forethought and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Bumbleflash licked his leaders shoulder as Duskstar rested his muzzle on his head, bride swelling in Shadowpaw for her happy-go-lucky brother.

"Shadowpaw, from this day on you shall be known as Shadowspirit, StarClan honors your fighting skills and cunningness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Shadowspirit felt pride soaring through her, bowing her head to lick her mentors shoulder as he rested his muzzle between her ears. "Shadowspirit! Bumbleflash! Shadowspirit! Bumbleflash!" The clan called out their names, and Shadowspirit felt as if she was light as a bird when she returned to sit next to Foxflame.

"Now, another pressing matter, we need apprentices to train as warriors, as for now the young warriors will do apprentice duties." Duskstar meowed, momentary worry flashing in his gaze. "Duskstar, I have news." A cat meowed, and the clan turned to look over at Mousepool and her mate Shrewleap. The shy she-cat shuffled her paws and meowed, "I'm going to be having Shrewleap's kits."

The clan brightened up immediately, murmuring happy congratulations to the two warriors, and Shadowspirit thought, Belle wanted to be a warrior, and I'm sure that she is not the only kittypet that would be willing to, I'm not fond of them myself, but we do need apprentices more than anything. Shadowspirit stood, "Duskstar, I have an idea for the apprentice problem."

The leader dipped his head for her to speak, and she gathered up her courage, "There is a kittypet, named Belle that I met not to long ago, she shows potential, and even said she wanted to be a clan cat." Duskstar looked interested, but most of the warriors huffed and wrinkled their noses against the idea. Shadowspirit turned toward the clan cats, "My father was half kittypet, and yet no cat doubted his strength or loyalty, even the great Firestar was a kittypet, and his blood runs through the veins of many warriors here, although not every kittypet is right for clan life, I believe that we must start somewhere."

The cats of the clan nodded after her speech sank in, and even the more rebellious warriors grumbled agreements. "Then it seems we have come to an agreement, tonight our new warriors shall sit vigil, and tomorrow I will take a few cats to the twolegplace, that is all, clan dismissed." Shadowspirit touched noses with Foxflame, her vow of silence already taking action as she went to guard the camp, the three new warriors wouldn't let anything get past them, cat, or even mouse..

Shadowspirit took a deep breath, already setting up barriers against the looming darkness of her dream at the Moontrees. Tonight, I'm a warrior, I am not with the Dark Forest, I am a warrior of ThunderClan, I honor StarClan more then the Dark Forest. Shadowspirit thought stubbornly, even though deep in her heart she knew that she was only trying to run from her own fate, a path that tends to lead straight for it.

-End Of Book 1-

(YAY Thanks everyone that read this far!!!!! I will get the next book out soon! Maybe by either today or tomorrow idk, but thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget to read Book 2 in the 3 book series, Dusk of the Clans! Book 2- Cat and Mouse)

**PREVIEW** Here is the description for the next book!

Shadowspirit is now a proud warrior of ThunderClan, she has convinced herself that she is free from the dark forests grasp, but is she really? Or is she just running from the inevitable? Leaf-bare is harsher then ever, and ThunderClan needs more apprentices, not to mention severe lack of prey. Shadowspirit will do anything for her clan, but how long can she play this internal game of cat and mouse? Can Shadowspirit escape her doomed destiny, or will she bring destruction and war to the forest? How many tests can one cat endure before everything shatters? And most of all, is Shadowspirit the cat, ahead of it all and going her own way to follow StarClan and the warrior code, or is she the mouse, desperately running from an unseen and unstoppable doom?

Warrior Cats Book 1: A Dark Path- Dusk of the ClansWhere stories live. Discover now