Chapter 8

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Shadowpaw blinked open her yellow eyes, and leaped to her paws in excitement. A dark forest was all around her, and she looked around. "Welcome Shadowpaw to the Dark Forest, I will be your mentor here." Shadeheart padded from the shadows as he spoke.Wow two mentors! Shadowpaw thought.

"Today we will work on your speed, your twisted leg gets in your way, you must change that." Shadowpaw nodded determinedly.

"Run after me, you don't want to get left alone here, not yet." He turned and darted off, not giving her a moment to spare.

Shadowpaw pelted after him, her paw making her slow. "Use your paw to your advantage!" He called back. Shadowpaw thought fast, using her twisted paw to propel herself forward instead of trying not to use it.

She felt wind in her fur as she picked up speed, pinning her ears and twining between trees. The bulky shape of Shadeheart appeared in front of her, and she picked up speed, watching trees zip by her.

Shadowpaw passed the tom, spinning around in front of him as he skidded to a stop. He grinned, "I knew you would be a fast learner."

"Try to attack me, claws sheathed for now, try using swifter attacks instead of heavy blows." He meowed, crouching down and narrowing his eyes.

Shadowpaw crouched and lunged forward quickly, aiming swift blows for his ears. The tom disappeared as she struck and she looked around confused.

A cat barreled into her from behind and his voice growled, "Try again, faster this time, accuracy is important."

Shadowpaw stood and without hesitation she aimed a lightning fat strike at his muzzle, feeling satisfaction as her paws hit their mark.

"Try to keep moving." Shadeheart adviced, ducking one of her blows, "I'm going to start attacking back." Shadowpaw danced around him, delivering quick sheathed-clawed blows at the giant tom.

Shadeheart turned and lunged for her, but she leaped high, kicking off his back and turning midair to face him.

Shadowpaw reared up, slashing at him.

Shadeheart reared up too, and she grinned, stabbing paws into his stomach quickly before turning and taking her weight on her front paws and kicking out with her hind legs.

Shadeheart grunted and large paws jabbed at her ribs. Shadowpaw winced and darted around the tom, teasing him with quick strikes.

Shadeheart and Shadowpaw agreed to take a break, both of them panting. "Great job, if you continue showing who's much promise you'll be ready to kill any cat in your way."

Shadowpaw recoiled, "Kill? I didn't know I would have to kill cats, that doesn't seem right."

Shadeheart narrowed his eyes and opened his jaws to speak but anther cat interrupted him. "You are right young Shadowpaw."

She whipped around to see a starry she-cat with pretty white fur and soft brown eyes, "I am Frostflower."

Shadeheart growled and spat, "You shouldn't be here StarClan cat." The she cat ignored him, "Come with me Shadowpaw, I'll take you away from this place of darkness."

Shadowpaw was unsure, she didn't want to kill but she liked Shadeheart. Then another cat padded out from behind Frostflower, the cats sleek black pelt had no stars or shadows in it-he was living. The cats surprised eyes met Shadowpaw's and her heart skipped a beat when she recognized her father.

"Shadowpaw, it's not to late to leave this dark place." Her father meowed. Shadowpaw turned to Shadeheart, "I'm sorry but I just cant kill, I'm going with my father and Frostflower."

Before he could reply Shadowpaw turned and bounded over to her father, nuzzling him, "I'll always be on your side father."

Her father purred, "close your eyes and sleep my kit." Shadowpaw nodded and closed her eyes, feeling sleep wash over her once more.

(Haha success I told you I would get this chapter out soon! Well hope you enjoyed it, comment what you think will happen next! <3 Jade)

Warrior Cats Book 1: A Dark Path- Dusk of the ClansWhere stories live. Discover now