Chapter 23

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Foxflame woke in his nest with a yawn, peering out to see the stars still shining. The russet tom frowned, perking his ears for what had woke him. Foxflame creeped out of the den, careful not to tread on any cats tail as he padded into the clearing, feeling nervous, but not knowing why. Foxflame froze as he heard a rustle of leaves, and moments later a snap of a twig, swinging his head toward the noise Foxflame narrowed his eyes.

Creeping toward the camp wall, he opened his jaws to scent the air, Foxflame's eyes flew wide as he caught scent of RiverClan, double checking to make sure sleep wasn't just messing with his head. Peering through the thick bramble Foxflame caught a small flash of fur, and heard a cat hiss quietly something he did not catch, but it was for sure that these were not ThunderClan cats.

Foxflame yowled a loud warning call, "RiverClan! RiverClan is attacking!" As soon as he spoke, cats trampled through the bramble wall, one RiverClan she-cat getting tangled in the brambles with yowls of pain. Cats surged through the barrier, terror plunging through Foxflame as the camp exploded into action, Crowclaw followed by Lionflame, Starlingcall, Ravenbreeze, and Fawndapple, their eyes wide with fury and shock.

Foxflame reeled as a RiverClan tom crashed into him, claws pricking his sides as the tom attacked. Foxflame shrieked in fury, lashing out hard with a hind leg and sending the warrior staggering back, then he leaped to his paws, lunging for the tom with unsheathed claws. Another cat crashed into his side, knocking the air from his lungs he slashed blindly at his new attacker, feeling his claws tear the delicate flesh of a cats ear, blood spraying on his muzzle.

Foxflame leaped onto the she-cat who attacked him, raking his claws down her side, then leaping over her to sweep her legs out from under her, sending her crashing to the ground. Lionflame rolled by in a screeching tumble of fur as he boxed with another cat, and he caught a flash of Crowclaw beating back a she-cat with quick strikes. Foxflame reared up and brought his paws down hard on the she-cat, sending her screeching out of the camp.

"Get out of our camp!" Foxflame roared, chomping hard on a cats tail, slashing at its hindquarters. The tabby tom yowled in pain and whipped around, knocking Foxflame onto his side and hooking his claws into his shoulder. Pain lanced up his leg and Foxflame raked the toms underbelly fiercely with his hind claws.

Foxflame gasped in pain, but the weight was suddenly taken off of him as Swanfeather hurled into him yowling a battle cry. "Thanks!" He chocked out, turning to slash at another RiverClan cat in his way. Foxflame saw his old mentor, Swiftfoot, striking ferociously at two enemy cats, and he leaped over to help, the two warriors exchanging expert blows to their opponents.

Foxflame hooked a claw in a she-cats lip, raking her ears with his free paw as she shrieked in pain. Foxflame felt his limbs growing tired as he fought on, pain lancing up his spine as a cat leaped onto him. Foxflame let himself roll, leaping to his paws quickly and raking the cats underbelly as it scrambled to stand. The cat tore away, haring away from the fight, Foxflame panted, getting a chance to look around the clearing.

The russet tom felt his heart drop as he saw his clan wasn't winning the battle, all the ThunderClan cats were shocked and exhausted, even Crowclaw was having trouble with the fight. Foxflame yelped in surprise as weight crashed into his side, teeth clamping onto his shoulder, sending pain rocketing through him. Foxflame slashed at his opponent desperately, recognizing Stormpool from the gatherings.

Suddenly battle cries split the air and he looked up to see Duskstar hurl himself into the fight, knocking back enemy cats with fierce blows. Mintpaw's and Wrentooth plunged in after him, Bumblepaw close behind, the muscular tabby apprentice catapulting onto a RiverClan tom that had Swanfeather pinned. Foxflame's attention snapped back to his opponent as Stormpool pressed a paw to his throat with sheathed claws, making him gasp for air.

Warrior Cats Book 1: A Dark Path- Dusk of the ClansWhere stories live. Discover now