Chapter 4

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Flowerkit blinked open her yellow eyes, her mind quickly working to analyze her surroundings. It's the medicine cat den! She realized, the sharp tang of herbs bathing her tongue.

She took in the gray stone around her, craning her neck forward to lap from a tiny pool of water that seeped and bubbled between the rocks.

The water was crisp and cool on her tongue, refreshing her small body. She tried to stand but pain immediately fired through her, making her yelp.

"Easy young one, your paw will hurt for a while yet." A gentle voice sounded from somewhere behind her. Flowerkit looked at her paw, her jaw gaping at the sight of it, her paw looked mangled and broken, not to mention that it was twisted to where the front of her paw facing sideways toward her other paw.

Flowerkit stared at it, until Ivyleaf gently moved her head up with her tail, the medicine cats green eyes searched Flowerkit's yellow ones, "Do not worry yourself over your leg, focus on getting your strength up."

I cant believe it! How can I ever be a warrior if my leg is like this! Flowerkit wanted to wail but kept her jaws snapped shut.

She squeezed her eyes shut, wishing her paw would be normal when she re-opened them.

No worries death-bringer.... She recognized Shadeheart's calm voice at once, this injury may slow down our work, but it will only fool your enemies into misjudging you.

Flowerkit re-opened her eyes with newfound determination. She was determined to get better soon, but the day was dragging by slowly.

That is, until her brother bounded into the den. His round eyes were brimmed with worry as he sniffed her gently. "Are you ok sis?" He squeaked. Flowerkit nodded, "Of course I'm fine, it takes much more then a petty injury to bring me down!" She smiled.

Poppytail's scent drifted in as the two kits mother padded into the medicine den.

Poppytail drew Bumblekit away with her tail, refusing to look and Flowerkit. "Flowerkit needs rest, let's go Bumblekit." Flowerkit tried to meet her mothers eyes and pleaded for her to let him stay, but she used her tail to push Bumblekit our of the medicine den with her.

Sparrowstrike padded past his mate, narrowing his eyes at her, but she lifted her nose and ignored him. Her father padded in with a warm smile, "Seems boring here huh?"

Flowerkit let out an exaggerated sigh, "Tell me about it." Her father laughed and batted her nose gently, Flowerkit smiled and giggled as her dad gently boxed her ear affectionately.

"Don't worry about your mother," Flowerkit's eyes flashed angrily, but her father payed no notice as he went on, "She's grieving in her own way, it'll be back to normal soon Flowerkit."

She purred to mask her anger, "Your right dad, but you should go do a patrol or something." She lifted her good paw to bat at his nose, causing him to sneeze.

He laughed, "I suppose I should, I'll check on you before bed and bring you a mouse ok?"

Flowerkit smiled and nodded, watching her father pad away. Don't worry about your mother, eventually all cats learn not to mess with you, given time she will know. Shadeheart's voice echoed in her ears.Flowerkit huffed, agreeing with him as she lay her head down to rest once more.

(Sooooo sorry everyone SO MUCH exciting things are happening and I ran out of time to work on this chapter, but here it is nonetheless :D enjoy and thanks for reading! <3 Jade)

Warrior Cats Book 1: A Dark Path- Dusk of the ClansWhere stories live. Discover now