Chapter 19

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Shadowpaw knew Shadeheart was unhappy as she sat, calmly watching the large tom pace around, lashing his tail. "Uhhg why would you risk your life to save your pitiful weak leader!" He hissed.

Shadowpaw stood, touching her tail tip to her mentors shoulder, "I know you are worried that I will be careless, yes I could have died saving my leader, but I didn't, and I have his trust more then ever now."

The tom twitched his whiskers and sighed, "You can always see right through me, just try not to get yourself killed, we need you." Shadowpaw smiled, licking her mentors ear, "Thank you for caring, but I'm fine, and now I'll have cool scars eh?"

Shadeheart laughed, shaking his head, "All about the scars, young cats these days." Shadowpaw stretched, "So what are we doing tonight?"

"Tonight," Shadeheart echoed, "your going to rest, and I am going to take the night off as well." Shadowpaw sighed with a grin, "Fine, see you later Shadeheart."

The shadowed forest faded away, and Shadowpaw found herself sleeping, once more plunging into darkness.

Bright sunshine awakened the black she-cat, who blinked sleep from her yellow eyes with a yawn. "Your awake!" An excited meow surprised her, and she turned her head to see Foxpaw grinning at her.

Shadowpaw smiled, "Mhm, hope I didn't miss much." Foxpaw shrugged, "Its been a slow day, but Duskstar said he was going to announce me and Swanpaw as warriors!" Shadowpaw purred, remembering that Mintpaw was younger then them, but a moon older then she, "Congratulations!"

Shadowpaw was proud of her friend, but not excited to be denmates with Mintpaw, at least her brother would be there.

Shadowpaw winced as she pulled herself up onto her paws, Foxpaw darted over to help her stand. Shadowpaw perked her ears as she heard Duskstar's deep meow echo through the clearing, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highledge for a clan meeting!"

Shadowpaw exchanged an excited glance with her friend, and he helped her pad outside the medicine clearing to sit and watch. Bumblepaw bounded over to take Foxpaw's place next to her as the older apprentice went to sit next to his mentor.

"I cant believe I missed all the excitement!" He exclaimed, and Shadowpaw grinned, "You'll get your chance, don't worry."

"Foxpaw, Swanpaw, you have both trained hard to learn our ways." Duskstar's meow quieted the murmuring cats in the clearing. The two apprentices sat tall and proud as their leader addressed them.

"Swanpaw please step forward." The white she-cat stood and stepped up. "Do you, Swanpaw, promise to uphold the warrior code, and fight for your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Duskstar asked.

The white apprentice had no hesitation in her gaze as she nodded and meowed, "I do." Duskstar dipped his head, "Then I, Duskstar, leader of ThunderClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this young she-cat. She has trained hard to learn the ways of your noble code, and shall be granted a warrior in return."

Shadowpaw felt pride for her friend as Duskstar continued, "Swanpaw from this moment on you shall be known as Swanfeather, StarClan honors your loyalty and Grace and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Swanfeather licked her leaders shoulder as he rested his muzzle on her head. "Swanfeather! Swanfeather!" The clan called as she joined the warriors, Bumblepaw yowled loudest, calling his friends name to the sky.

Duskstar turned to look to the russet tom, "Foxpaw, please step forward." Shadowpaw's friend stepped forward, his pelt rippling with excitement.

"Do you, Foxpaw, promise to uphold the warrior code, and fight for your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Duskstar asked him.

Foxpaw nodded and said without hesitation, "I do." Duskstar nodded, "Then I, Duskstar, leader of ThunderClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this young tom. He has trained hard to learn the ways of your noble code, and shall be granted a warrior in return."

Duskstar paused before he continued, sun glinting off the leaders pelt, "Foxpaw from this moment on you shall be known as Foxflame, StarClan honors your enthusiasm and bravery and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

Foxflame licked his leaders shoulder respectfully as Duskstar touched his muzzle to the new warriors head. "Foxflame! Foxflame!" The clan cheered, and Shadowpaw yowled as loud as she could for her friend. Duskstar flicked his tail, "Clan dismissed!"

Foxflame bounded over to Shadowpaw, and she purred, touching her nose to his ear, "Congratulations!" Foxflame smiled, "Soon you'll be joining me, but for now your stuck with Bumblepaw and Mintpaw."

Foxflame cast a glance toward Mintpaw, who was spitting venom through her gaze toward Shadowpaw, "I wonder what's with Venomgaze over there." He joked. Shadowpaw laughed, slapping her tail over his muzzle, "Shhhh she'll hear you!"

Foxflame leaned in close to Shadowpaw and whispered, "I think she has a hairball stuck somewhere." Shadowpaw giggled and meowed, "So, what now o' mighty warrior?" Foxflame straightened up and meowed, imitating a really deep voice, "First I'll go order Mintpaw to cough up that fur-ball, then I'll make her pick the tiny specks of dust from my fur as Bumblepaw holds a giant leaf over my head so the sun doesn't damage my delicate fur."

Shadowpaw laughed with Foxflame, and looked at him, the breeze gently stirring her black fur, "What about me?"

Foxflame tilted his head, "You..." He paused for a second, then smiled, "You'll be right here next to me as the others follow my orders." Shadowpaw purred, the mixed emotions swirling around in her heart.

Foxflame stood, sun glinting off his pelt, which rippled with hard muscle beneath. "But you, need rest." Shadowpaw sighed, but let the slim, narrow-faced russet warrior help her pad back into the medicine den so she could lay down in a soft moss nest.

Shadowpaw felt a flicker of surprise spark through her as Foxflame lay down, pressing his pelt to hers to block out the chilling breeze that promised leaf-fall was soon coming.

Foxflame began grooming her ears and pelt, his rhythmic strokes relaxing Shadowpaw. She purred a little and closed her eyes, letting herself relax against the warriors pelt, feeling sleep gently wash over her once more.

(Aww I really like this chapter XP I think it was rather sweet, so lemme know any comments, likes, dislikes anything! I'll try to post the next chapter sooner, love ya guys! <3 Jade)

Warrior Cats Book 1: A Dark Path- Dusk of the ClansWhere stories live. Discover now