Chapter 1

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So last night my youth pastor said "what would it be like if we had no rules." And I strait up said "great because I could murder people with no consequences." My whole youth group agreed and and he just shook his head and said "great the Purge would happen." He doesn't even try with us anymore.

QOTD: "With great power...comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later."
    -Nico di Angelo

Y'all are great I hope your ballpoint pens turn into swords.

3rd person POV:

Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon, one of the Big Three's sons and a hero to many, has lost everything. His whole world has disappeared. Al from one person. One being. Gaea.

The Giant War ended two weeks ago, but everything's Percy has experienced is still running through his mind at a hundred miles an hour. He renders their deaths, her last words.

Percy had been staying at camp, he's not really sure why as he's constantly reminded of what happened, how they died. Training kids wasn't taking his mind off of anything like he had hoped it would.

He now walks down to the stone monuments he had designed and had specially made for his friends, showcasing there powers and happy faces, though the last thing Percy saw wasn't smiles and happiness.

He placed flowers at each grave, stopping to pay his final respects to his friends.

He walks to the final grave, tears streaming down his face and kneels down to Annabeth's grave.

"Annabeth... I tried, I thought if we could make it past this war we could live together, trying to live normal lives in Rome, but I guess you had a different fate. I'm doing as well as you could expect and so is Nico. I'm going to finally go home and see me parents. I love you Wise Girl I always will." Percy says laying down flowers and gets up to leave camp.

He walks down the hill glancing back as camp. The place that was his home for all those summers when he was younger. He walked home with his hands in his pockets trying to blend in with the other New Yorkers. He walks down to the development his house is located in and walks up on the porch. He hesitates to knock, but knocks anyway.

His mom opens the door and looks up at her son with great pity.

"Aw Percy" she mutters as he hugs her. Tears stream down his face and she hugs him back. He sobs into her shoulder. She brings him inside and they sit on the couch. Sally sits beside her son and just holds him. That's all Percy needed.

Soon  Paul walked in the door after he got home from work, he closed the door he looked at Percy with sympathy.

"You look like you've been through hell son." he says as he sits on the couch beside Percy.

"That's because I have." Percy replies.

Percy's parents sit on the couch with him for hours trying to comfort their son.

After a while Percy falls asleep on his step dads shoulder feeling happy for once in a very long time.

Later Percy wakes up and notices his parents are gone, he searches the house and can't find them anywhere.
Percy starts to panic and calls 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Uh yea I would like to report that my parents are missing."

"Of course sweety, we are tracking the call and will be there in about five minutes."

"Okay thank you" Percy says hanging up the phone.

Sure enough a few minutes later two police officers knock on his door and they come inside.

"All right son tell us everything." One of the officers says and Percy tells them what happened.

"Well last night we were all sitting on the couch and fell asleep then I woke up and they were gone. No trace, no nothing"

The officers write everything down.

"And how old are u?"

"17. I'll be 18 next month. Why?"

"Well since your still under age we will be sending you to live with the last family member we could find of yours"

Confused Percy asked "But I don't have any other family members."

"Well this man isn't technically related to you but used to be your father. We have a car out side to take you to your ex- Step father, Gabe Ugliano."

"What no no no you can't send me to live with him he-" Percy starts but the officer interrupts him.

"I'm sorry son, but you don't have a choice. He's your only living family member."

Percy sighs in defeat and packs his things and follows the officers to their car.

They drive him to Gabe's house and walk to the door with him.

"Yes thank you officers for bringing him to me I can't imagine how he must be feeling have a great day ." Gabe said.

"You to Mr. Ugliano."

The officers walk away and Gabe shuts the door. His fake smile immediately fades into a evil grin and fiddles with a knife.

"Well Percy me and you are gonna have a lot of fun aren't we?"

Deep Thought of the day: How come your lips don't touch when you say "touch" but touch when you say "separate"?

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Thanks for that you deserve a blue cookie.

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