Chapter 14

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So I was at youth the other night.

We had to name one of the Ten Commandments.

I said "thou shalt not kill"

Our youth pastor asked.

"Do you struggle with that?" In front of the whole your group.

I said "yea."


QOTD: "Being a hero doesn't mean your invincible. It just means your brave enough to stand up and do what's needed."
                -Piper McLean



Me, Bruce, and Steve are all in the lab trying to find something that we can use to located Percy's parents. The poor kid has literally been through so much.

He offered to help us but I told him he needed to sleep. He's been awake for at least 2 days strait and looked exhausted. But if he listened do me I don't know.

"There has got to he something ,with all this technology we have and not any way possible to track them." Steve said .

"I have literally tried everything." Bruce says defeated.

I stay silent but try and rack my brain to any possible way we could get any kind of location on them, something.

"There is something we haven't tried, I don't know why I just now thought of it."

"What?" Bruce asked expectedly.

"We hack into security cameras." I state mater of factly.

Bruce looks at me and face palms while Steve sighs.

"How did we not think of that?"

I walk over to the computer monitor and began typing.

I typed in Sally Jackson-Blofis and Paul Blofis' and there files come up. I type in for it to broaden the search and it shows me footage of the different places street security cameras have captured them at.

"Each picture shows different places. This one here shows them on the side of the street with Tartarus in Richmond,Virginia. This one shows them in Charlotte, North Carolina. Then again in Dallas, Texas. Then they are getting into a vehicle in Las Vegas, Nevada. Then in San Diego, California." I finish.

"Why are they traveling across the entire United States?" Steve asked .

"Is San Diego where they are?" Bruce asked .

"I believe s-" I stop abruptly.

"What is it?" Steve asks .

"There's another file." I state and click on it.

"London, England?" Questions bruce.

I hit broaden search and it shows multiply street that they have been on in London.

"Well good news they seem to be in London, England and haven't been anywhere else."

"But the bad news." Steve asked .

"They have been spotted at 10 different warehouses. Tartarus must have know we would track security cameras and went to other locations."

"Well at least we have a lead. I guess we just have to go and search 10 warehouses." Bruce states .

"But we don't have much time. Won't checking the individual warehouses take to much time. We could be lucky and infiltrate the one they are located in first or they could be in the last one that we check." Steve says .

"He has a good point, what should we- Tony why are you smiling?" Bruce says .

"Well let's just say that I may happen to know someone that can help us in London."

"And who is that?" Steve asks .

"Well he's a detective. The best of his kind."

"So we are just supposed to have a random detective figure out which ware house they are in. How on earth could he know?" Bruce asks.

"Trust me the man could tell literally everything about me by looking at me. He's rather odd but a very good detective."

"Well whatever you say. Should we go tell Percy." Steve asks .

"Yea I'll go tell him."

I walk up stairs and go in the elevator. I walk up to the room we had Annabeth in and see Percy with his head in Annabeth's lap asleep.

I look down at his face and see wet streaks down his face. Has he been crying?

"What happened?"

"He had a bad dream."

"What about?"

"The friends we lost in the war."

Deep thought of the day: If your clean after a shower, why do towels get dirty????

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Thanks for that you deserve a blue cookie.

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