Chapter 4

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Do y'all like football?

I freakin love it !

Go New England Patriots!

But my mom pulls for the Eagles gag and my dad pulls for he Cowboys which I do like.

But you know who got me into football?

Not my mom.

Not my dad.

Not my best friend.

My youth pastor who is a Patriots fan.

Yep. I just got a jersey today. Help this obsession will kill me.

QOTD:" You know how teachers say the magic word is 'please'? That's not true. The magic word is 'puke'. It will get you out of class faster than anything else."
-Uncle Rick Troll Riordan

Tony POV

Bruce stitches Percy up and gets him in stable condition as we arrive at Stark towers. We bring Percy I'm and put him in the infirmary.

Before we even got to him he had three broken ribs, a broke nose, three cuts, deep I may add to his chest and a stab wound to both his shoulders.

After about an hour I walked in and he was still sleeping. Poor kid, he's been through a lot.

I look and see how calm he is sleeping. Yea he's like 16 or 17 but he's still a kid. How could someone do that to a kid and laugh. I walk back into the living room where the Avengers are all sitting around and sit on the couch

"How is he?"

"He's still asleep, at least he's getting some peace and quiet now." I reply. Looking down and fiddle with the hem of my shirt.

"You really like that kid don't you Tony?"

"Yea I do." I answer looking up at Clint

"How long til you think he'll wake up." I asked Bruce

"At least a few more hours with all the anesthesia and pain killers he should be knocked out for a while." Bruce said then we all heard a thud coming from Percy's room in the infirmary. We all jumped up and raced in.

Percy POV

I bolted awake and looked around. I sat up and winced as I looked at he bandages I had all over me.

The room I was in was white. Am I in a hospital? I had an IV in my arm and new clothes on. Wait where am I then I winced as everything came back to me.

A little over two weeks ago all my friends and Annabeth died. My parents are missing. Gabe tortured me and the Avengers rescued me and apparently Tony Stark is my uncle I never knew I had.

The pain was unbearable I need to get to the bathroom and get water to heal me. I know I'll have a lot to explain to the Avengers but I don't care I have to get there.

I try to stand and walk over but my legs fail me and I fall on the ground hitting my nose on the ground and I see blood soaking through my shirt I must have opened a stitch. I try to get up but wince and fall back down as the door flies open.

"Percy what are you doing out of bed!?" Tony practically yells at me.

"Listen I'll explain one you get me to the sink please" he looks confused but agrees. him and Captain America help me over to the sink. I turn it on and fill up a cup and pour the water on me. I feel everything begin to heal and stand up strait.

"Did you just heal yourself with water?" Tony asked confused

"Yea there's something you don't know about me."

"Ya think."

Well I see who I get the sarcastic genes from.

"Ever heard of Greek mythology?"

Deep thought of the day: Why is
Spongebob the main character when Patrick is the star????

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Thanks for that you deserve a blue cookie.

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