Chapter 5

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Who's your favorite Marvel character?!

Mine is like all of them but Loki, Spider-Man, and Tony Stark ANS my babies and if u touch them I will find you and I will make u watch the Percy Jackson movies.

How bad did y'all die when you saw infinity war?

I sobbed in the first 5 minutes.

And this year we have Avengers: endgame.

I'm gonna be dead by then.

QOTD: "I try not to think. It interferes with being nuts."
            -Leo Valdez


Percy POV

All the Avengers sat in the living room while I sat, all eyes on me and began to tell them what I really am.

"So you know how there is Norse mythology that turns out to be real." I say and the glance at Thor but nod for me to continue.

"Well Greek mythology is real too, so each of the gods that have kids are called demigods and I am a son of the Big Three."

The look at me in confusion so I further explain it.

"The Big Three are the three main gods such as Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon, who is my dad an-"

"So your cousins with Ariel?!" Thor booms. I just stare at him for a minute and glance to the other for help but they just blow it off.

"Um yea technically I am, anyway-" I begin only to be interrupted yet again by Tony.

"So if your dad is the god of the sea and your his son, what are you fish Jesus?" He asks with a strait face as I glare at him.

"Let fish Jesus set you free." Cling said mockingly and I glare at him as everyone laughs.

"Ok you may continue now." Tony says through fits of laughter.

"As I was saying, when I was 12 I learned I was a demigod. My mom took me to this camp designed for demigods called camp half blood. It's a place where demigods can be safe from monsters and angry gods who constantly want to kill us."

"Your telling me from the age of 12 your life in constantly at rush because of monsters and gods?" Steve asked.

"Not always it just depends on when kids discover they are demigods. That's hey demigods are lucky to go to collage or get married or have families or anything." I say and look down thinking of Annabeth. Her sweet smile. Her beautiful laugh. Our plans to go to collage together in Rome and-

"Percy? Percy?" I look up.

"Oh sorry just thinking. But anyway when I got to camp I met this girl...Annabeth and me and her and one of our friends went of quests together for years until a new prophet came. Me and Annabeth became one of the 'seven'. All of us were best friends. We did major quests together and did everything together. But we had one last quest.
It started the Giant War against Gaea. We all talked about our lives after the war. And me and Annabeth wanted to go to Rome. They have a camp there that demigods are safer and get to actually live somewhat normal lives and have families. We wanted to
Go to collage there and get married someday. But none of that....." I look down getting choked up. "None of that ever happened." I wipe away a tear and glance back up.

"What happened Percy?" Tony gently asked.

"Well we were all fighting Gaea, we were doing great and about to take her down but then we started to loose. Engraved in my mind is them. First it was Hazel, then Frank, then Jason, then Piper, then Leo, then....Annabeth. All home just ripped away from me. I defeated Gaea and went back to camp halfblood. Everyone congratulated me. Told me if it wasn't for me the world be destroyed but I didn't feel like a hero. They told me I did everything but I don't feel like it. They all died and I'm left here." I finish and look up.

"It's just like the prophecy told me." I say and laugh bitterly wiping away tears.

"What did it say."

"It said 'all with fall, one will carry the weight of them all' guess I'm the one."

Deep thought of the day: If we can't see air, can fish see water?

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