Chapter 8

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You know what?

What's your favorite Percy Jackson character?

Who are you most like?

I took a personality quiz and I'm most like Leo.

Percy is my favorite but tbh I'm a mixture of Leo, Nico, and Percy so you can only imagine what that's like.

And my best friend is exactly like Annabeth so that's that.

QOTD: "Uh, you know, getting sanitized by large snakes isn't covered by our medical plan. Darn it."
-Jason Grace


Percy POV:

I wince but turn around to see what they're looking at. Tears begin to well up in my eyes.

Annabeth it's really her.

Her bouncy blond curls are a little frizzy and dirty. Her shirt has a couple of holes in it and has dirt all over it. She has a couple of cuts but doesn't look to badly injured.

I hold my side but stumble over to her and hug her.

"Percy your hurt."

"Just forget about it for a minute." I say as I hug her. I close my eyes and just take in the moment.

I pull back and she smiles and I kiss her.

"Alright lets get out of here." Nico says and we all hold hands and shadow travel to the hellicarier.

Nico stumbles and I catch him

"Oh your just I Time we're about to land in Budapest, and you must be Annabeth." Steve said.

"Percy you better hurry and heal yourself." Nico says weakly.

"Don't worry I will but you sir will have to answer to Will if you keep shadow traveling. Go back to camp before will murders you." I say.

"Ok ok." Nico says and hold his hands up defensively. He looks at us and smiles as he walks back into the shadows.

"You gonna properly introduce me to your girlfriend Percy?" Tony asks.

"Annabeth this is my Uncle Tony Stark. Tony this is Annabeth." I say and Tony smiles.

"Alright lets go save my parents."

When the hellicarrier lands we all get off.

We then all head over to the storage building my parents are being held at.

"Alright we should split up and cover more ground-" Steve orders."Natasha and Clint, your with me, Tony and Bruce will go together and Percy and Annabeth, Alright team lets head out."

We all split up leaving me and Annabeth to finally be alone. I put my hand in hers and we scope out the rooms looking for my parents and  their captors.

"I thought I would never see you again." Annabeth says breaking the silence. She looks at me and I smile.

"But now your here and that's all that matters and I will never leave you I promise." I tell her. She smiles and I kiss her.

"I wonder who had the nerve to kidnap them?" Annabeth asks aloud.

"I don't know but they made a huge mistake."

"That's an understatement."

I smile and we continue walking. The silence seems rather odd. There's no one anywhere and no sound what so ever. No one can be this quiet.

Even though the rest of the seven are still dead. I still have my Annabeth back. Maybe there is someway we can get the others out of Elysium too and rescue them from Tartarus, but I don't know if I should already be bringing that up.

Like would Annabeth feel like I wasn't happy to see her, I mean I really am this is the best thing that's happened to me in a while but how do I just ask "Hey how did you escape the most wonderful place ever with all your other best friends and end up in hell." Like not really a conversation starter.

Suddenly I'm pulled out of my thought to Annabeth snapping her fingers in front of my face. I must have zoned out and rambled away in my mind. Stupid ADHD.

"Seaweed Brain you there." She joked.

"Yea sorry I just um spaced out."

She then stared at me like she could see through my lies. She was good like that.

"You want to ask me something, what is it?" She inquires.

"It's nothing really." I lie

She still looks at me funny but doesn't push any father.



"What happened after we were all...gone." She asked.

It seemed like she felt bad for asking since she didn't even meet my eyes. It's not something I loved talking about but she's the love of my life she deserves to know. I sigh and tell her what all happened.

"Well a lot actually. After...everything I stayed at camp for about two weeks. Not really sure why but I stayed but I was ready to go home. I went to the sevens' monuments and yours, laid down flowers and paid my final respects. Then I walked home and didn't look back."

"Wait monuments?" She asked and I smiled.

"Yea I had them make 4-feet monuments for all of you. There little statues of all of you...with smiles doing what you love."

She looked at her feet and just smiled so I continued my story.

"After I got home I saw my mom and Paul and we stayed in the living room on the couch all night and when I woke up they were just gone. No trace or anything so I called the police and because I'm 17 they told me I had to go live with a relative. Even though he isn't related to me they sent me to live with Gabe."

"Oh my god Percy.."

I looked down but continued.

"Of course when the officers brought me he acted nice like any normal person would but behind closed doors he brought me to his basement and handcuffed me to a chair. He cut me an- and he stabbed me and - and he- sewed my mouth shut." I paused as she looked at me in horror.

"Then, Captain America and Iron Man come down there and fight Gabe but in the process I get shot. Then the Avengers rescued me and I find out that Tony Stark is my mom's half brother." I finish and she just looks at me.

She stops and just hugs me with which I really needed.

"I'll never leave you Seaweed brain." She says and pulls away

"Annabeth can I ask you something?"


I struggle to find the right words to ask about Elysium

"When you were in Elysium how-" but I'm interrupted by a loud clanking sound.

Deep thought of the day: Not one person has ever been in an empty room.

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