Chapter 3

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Do y'all hate school like a normal person?

Do you enjoy it like a weird person?

If you are the second one you'll want to work at NASA like my best friend or find the cure for cancer in the future.

If you are the first one you live off your best friends income in their basement.

QOTD: "You will always The the outsider, the seventh wheel. You will not find a place among your brethren."
     -(The Mark of Athena)


Tony POV:

Me and the rest of the Avengers found where Gabe lived with ease and decided me and Cap are the only two that will go rescue Percy.

We all get inside the helicopter and fly to a field close to the apartment complex to not raise any suspicion. We sneak up to the door and Cap picks the lock.

We gently open the door and hear shouting in the basement.

"Aww is Percy Jackson weaker than he thought"

"How's this for ya!" 

I hear followed by a muffled scream.

Furious, I walk, well more like sprint down stairs and hold both of my hands up with my blaster ready to fire and Cap with his shield up.

"Give us the kid and no one gets hurt." I state.

Gabe smirks and begins to undo Percy's handcuffs and pulls him on his feet, making Percy wince. He then shoved Percy against the wall.

"You move and I shoot him." Gabe threatens, holding a gun to Percy's head.

Percy looks to me with a look in his eyes like I've rarely seen before. Not fear. Not pleading. But broken. He looks like he's seen a war and doesn't car if Gabe kills him or not.

"Alright then have it your way." Gabe says and puts his finger on the trigger.

Cap then tackles him and a shot rings out.

Percy POV:

Gabe comes back down a cuts me again and again til I begin to loose count.

"Aww is Percy Jackson weaker than he thought?" He says to me taunting me.

"How's that for ya!" He says as he stabs me in my right shoulder followed by a muffled scream escaping my lips since he sewed them shut. What a sicko he is.

Then I hear footsteps running down the steps and I do a double take as I see Iron Man pointing his blasters at Gabe and Captain America holding up his shield.

"Give us the kid and no one gets hurt" Iron Man says.

Gabe then unhooks my handcuffs and helps me stand. He's up to something.

He shoves me against the wall as points his gun to my head.

"You move and I shoot him" Gabe threatens.

We stand there in tense silence til Have breaks the tension.

"Fine have it your way." He says and puts his finger on the trigger.

Then Captain America tackles Gabe and gun shot goes off.

As they're fighting I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and see a gun shot wound with blood pouring out. I fall to the ground and Iron Man runs over to me.

"Guys we need an evac now Percy is severely injured!" He yells into his ear piece. He looks at my with sympathy and says "Hey Percy I'm Tony Stark, I'm your uncle, your moms half brother, it's okay buddy your in good hands now."

His helmet retracts and I kinda make out his face in the dark lit basement . I look over and see Captain America taking Gabe out in handcuffs.

"Yes he's still awake" he says into his ear piece "yea and - oh my god his lips are sewn together!" He yells into his earpiece.

Then he picks me up and carries me away as the darkness takes me.

Tony POV

"Is he still conscious Tony?" Bruce asks through the intercoms.

"Yea he's still awake, yea and - oh my god his lips are sewn together!" I yell into the intercoms I hear Bruce gasp. Who would do that to a kid?

He looks at me and I feel so bad for him. I see so much mental and physical pain in his eyes. I pick him up and walk up up the stairs and out of the house and fly up I to the helicopter that's hovering over the house.

"Bring him in here" Bruce commands me and I lay him on an operations table.

He lays on the table in pain as Bruce takes a white cloth and hands it to me. "Put pressure  here, I need to take the stitches out of his lips."

I put pressure on the wound and he whimpers

"Clint like we practiced do the IV." Bruce commands and Clint nods and sticks the IV in Percy's arm.

Bruce takes scissors and cuts through the stitches in his lips. He looks over at me and whisper "thank you." as the anesthesia makes him go to sleep.

This kid is gonna have a big impact on all of us. Especially me like the son I never had.

Deep thought of the day: If two mind readers read each other's mind, who's mind are they reading?

Don't be a silent reader make sure you do the following:




Thanks for that you deserve a blue cookie.

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