1 - Thirteen

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"HARRY! (Y/N)!"

You groan at the shrill voice of Petunia Dursley calling yourself and your adoptive brother downstairs. You brush off your black pants and silver blouse, being what you always wear now since it is a comforting sign of true home, Hogwarts. You toss your salmon blanket, a gift from Draco, onto your twin bed and leave your room.

You trot down the stairs, meeting Harry at the bottom. His hair sticks up at all angles, revealing his scar that twins yours. Petunia jerks her head at the door, her fat son in a nice sweater that the thin woman picks lint off of. You sigh, reaching for the golden handle with your (s/c) hands. As you go to grasp the metal, the door is thrown open and an incredibly large woman pushes past you.

You tumble, and Harry helps you steady yourself as his green eyes and your (e/c) ones flick upwards. The woman who pushed past you is Marge, Vernons sister. Her fat bulldog, Ripped, waddles in past her, shaking the rain off his back.

From the downpour outside waddles Vernon, totting a large suitcase in his arms. He tosses it at Harry, who catches it.

"Marge! How was the train?" Petunia asks, smiling at the fat woman in the jumper and skirt. She scoffs, looking down at her dog.

"Terrible. Ripper got sick." You raise an eyebrow at the dog, which you find cute but know is violent. Harry sets Marges suitcase down near the door as Petunia speaks.


"Ah, Vernon? I need you to sign these forms." You say, holding out some papers to the fat man politely. He raises an eyebrow, walking past you down the hallway.

"What are they?"

"Nothing, just Harry and I's things for school."

"Maybe later, if you behave." He walks into the living room, and Harry mumbles from behind you.

"We will if she does." You snicker at this, walking with your brother towards the kitchen.

"So, still here, are you?" Marge asks, eyeing yourself and Harry up and down. You mumble a yes, which she finds rude.

"Dont say yes in that ungrateful tone!" She shrieks, her voice annoying as it is. "Damn good of my brother too keep you two. If you'd been dropped on my doorstep, it'd be off to the orphanage!" You sigh, going to help Harry make dinner like the slaves they treat you as.

*Time Skip*

As the Dursleys finish their food, Marge sets a plate on the ground for Ripper to clean off. You hold back a sigh as you go over to clear the dishes from the table. She holds down her drink for Ripper to lap from, and you smile at the hilarious scene.

"What are you smirking at?!" Marge asks as you take her plate, walking back to the kitchen with your hands full. Potter takes the dishes, starting to wash them. "Where is it you send them, Vernon?"

"Saint Brutus', its a first rate institution for boys and girls who've lost cause." You shake your head, wishing you were at Hogwarts with your friends. With Draco.....

"Do they use the cane there, girl?" Marge inquires, demanding an answer from you. You purse your lips, restraining a smile that you see Harry wearing.

"Oh yes. We get beat at least five times a day." You turn from the group, smiling where they cant see as you go to help Harry with the chores.

"Still, you mus'nt blame yourself fro how they turned out, Vernon. It all comes down to blood." You tense at this, knowing she is about to speak of your parents."

"What with both of their fathers being drunks and all-"

"Our fathers were not drunks!" You exclaim, turning to the woman, furious. You watch as Marges glass explodes, but you're certain that wasn't you. No, that was Harry, you simply have slit yellow eyes and sharp teeth at the moment.

"You two, go to bed, now." Vernon says, glaring at the snarling pair of you and Harry.

"Quiet, Vernon. It doesn't matter
about the father. In the end it
comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If
there's something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong with the pup..."

"Shut up!" Harry screams as horns spiral from your head, your hands becoming claws as leather wings sprout from your back. "Shut up!"

Marge starts to stand, clearly ready to hit the both of you before she looks at her thumb, the beginning of the problem. Soon enough, her entire body has inflated to a balloon size, and she floats upwards. In no time, she flies out the doorway and into the gray sky.

You storm up the stairs, Harry following. You rush into your rooms, grabbing your suitcases that are already packed. You make sure to stuff your salmon blanket into it, wrapping your star cloak around you.

"You bring her back! Bring her back right now!" Vernon shouts, trying to stop the two of you as you rush out the door.

"No! She deserved what she got!" You scream, whipping around to Vernon as you grab the icy door handle. "Now you stay away from us!"

With that, you slam the door of their brick house, leaving the awful family to their devices. You flip your blue hood up as you walk next to Harry down the raining streets, dragging your suitcases behind you.

*Time Skip*

After walking for nearly an hour, you come to a crossroads that you are unfamiliar with. You look to Harry, and he sighs. You pull down your hood, revealing your (h/c) hair in the moonlit sky. A singular street lamp is on, illuminating the sidewalk that you and Harry sit down on.

You glance behind you, seeing a small playground with creaking swings, and a carousel gently kissed by the wind. It slowly twirls, as you turn back around, looking to the bushes on the other side of the street. You peer into the leaves of the damp plants, seeing two strange dots of lime peering at you. They grow larger, and soon enough a wolf, its coat darker than the night sky, crawls from the underbrush. You quickly stand, pulling Harry with you.

You whip your white spiral wand with a moonstone handle from your cloak, pointing it at the shadow creature. It growls, and as it steps forward, you step back. You trip over the corner of the pavement, tumblong backwards. You land on your rear, Harry looking down at you. As your eyes grow wide at the canine across the street, a rumbling sound takes over the silent street. To your left, two beams of blinding white light rush towards you, skidding to a stop directly in front of yourself and your brother. He peers around the lilac bus that had just skidded to a halt, seeing no evidence that the wolf ever existed.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus.
Emergency transport for the
stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this evening." A lanky man says, his voice dreary and bags under his eyes. He looks down at you as Harry helps you stand.

"Wha' choo doin' down there?"

"I fell." You say, brushing off your cloak of invincibility, whose fabric mimics the appearance of the navy night sky.

"Whatcha do that for?"

"I didnt mean too!" You say, bending to your suitcase. Stan stops you from picking it up, getting both yours and Harrys and setting it on the three tier bus. You and Potter clamber in, shocked at the interior.

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