13 - Patronus

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"Professor Lupin, thank you for teaching me this." You say, pacing in the Defense Against the Dark Arts room. You had went to Hogsmead, using the map to your advantage. Only you had overheard what you never wanted to know.

Sirius Black knew your parents, he was very good friends with the Potters and the (L/N)'s. He led Voldemort to them. He let them die. He is the godfather to both you and Harry. You want to kill the man. No. Not kill.

You wish to destroy him.

"Of course, (Y/N)." Lupin says, walking over to a chest as you calm yourself. "I taught your brother this not hours ago, its only fair you learn the same."

Lupin crouches near the chest, putting a hand on the lock and looking back to you. He gives you a reassuring smile; which you return to the dirty blonde haired man. You are strangly comfortable with him, it feels as if you share something in common....some animalistic thing, as if he was a hybrid too.....that cant be it. Can it?

"Now remember (Y/N)." You snap out of your thoughts, brought back to attention at Remus' voice. "You simply say 'Expecto Patronum', but you must think of your happiest memory. Make it strong. Ready?"

You nod, racking your brain for an idea as you stare down at the white spiral of your wand. Your knuckles turn white as you tighten your grip on the moonstone hilt, and your (e/c) orbs shut. A happy memory, how many of those do you honestly have?


"Hello, Draco."

"(Y/N)!" He exclaims, having not spoken to you since you escaped the Chamber of Secrets. You grin at him, and once he sees no one is watching he wraps you in his arms.

"Thanks for not dieing down there." He says, pulling back. You shrug, brushing back your (h/c) hair.

"It was easy." He rolls his crystal eyes, and you giggle. "Im sure you wouldve saved my life, Malfoy."

"Well I know I would have found a way out before you." He says, proud as always. You begin to laugh, but rub your neck as you remember his father.

"So, uh, I didn't tell you this but....your father and I met. You dont have a house elf anymore, and Lucius may have tried to kill me."

"WHAT?" Draco yells, eyes widening. You shake your head, putting your hands on his shoudlers.

"No, no! Its fine! Its just....we may not be able to write letters this summer." His chest sinks, and you purse your lips.

"Well then we better make our last day count."

You look up, about to say something before a soft pressure meets your lips. Though the kiss is swift, you have plenty of time to melt into his cool lips. He pulls back, hiding his face as he hugs you.

"See you next year, Dratheum."

*Flashback Over*

Your lips curl into a smile as you recall your first kiss with Malfoy last year, and the feeling you have when around him swirls in your chest. Instead of the heat of anger, its as butterflies dance in your heart. You open your eyes, readying your wand. Today, you wear black leggings, a purple hoodie, and black combat boots for your training with Dementors.

Lupin flips the lock on the chest, and the lid flies open. A dark creature, a skeletal being with robes the same color as stormclouds, floats out of it. A dementor. You aim your wand upwards as the guard of Azkaban stares down at you, its hollow mouth opened wide to begin its infamous kiss. You part your (s/c) lips, and scream the incantation.


Your voice rings out against the tower walls, and the tip of your wand glows as white as snow. A luminant sheild is produced, and it pushes the creature back into the chest! Professor Lupin slams the box shut, and he laughs as you pocket your wand.

"Amazing! It was simply a Boggart, but to do it on your first try? Marvelous!" Lupin walks over to you, clamping a hand on your shoulder. He walks you to the nearby stairs, and you sit with him on the dusty stone.

"Here, eat. It will help." He says, handing you a piece of chocolate. "That was truly a magnificent feat, (L/N). Not even your brother won the first round. What could you possibly have thought of?"

You grin at the ground, tugging at your hair as you do when you're nervous. Lupin smiles softly at you, shaking his head.

"Ive heard rumors of you and the Malfoy boy, Miss (L/N)." You blush, realizing that all of the teachers know as well. It was bad enough with the students knowing the girl who lived and the son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were a couple. "There is no reason for shame. Love is quite the powerful thing, no matter whose it is."

You beam at Lupin, and he returns your smile once more. He really is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher that you've had. Perhaps he will be the one who finally stays.

*Time Skip*

"How'd it go, Hagrid?" You ask, sitting next to Harry on the rocky shores of the Black Lake. Hermione and Ron stand next to each other nearby, looking over at Hagrid as he skips rocks.

The giant man wears a furry brown suit, the pants rolled up just below his knees. A rather strange orange and yellow tie is over top of his white shirt, which is hidden by his bushy brown beard and long hair. He refuses to look back at your group, continuing to throw rocks across the glossy water towards the castle in the distance.

"It was pleasant." He says, whipping another stone. "Buckbeak liked London."

Hermione frowns as she speaks to your water covered friend. "You know that isn't what she meant, Hagrid." He frowns, knowing that you meant how the hearing went. Of course there would be one, Draco had been injured by the hippogriff.

"Oh. That. Well, I got up an'
said my bit -- You know, how
Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff an' as long as yeh treated 'im with respect, he'd treat you the same." You smile, but frown as Rebeus' voice lowers. "Then Lucius Malfoy got up an' said his bit -- you know, how Buckbeak was a deadly dangerous beast that no teacher in their righ' mind would expose their students to..."

With every word that he said, your chest grew warmer with the familiar dragons fire. You feel your eyes slit as they glow yellow, and the tips of your fingers start to turn blacker than Lucius' heart.

"Ill show him a dangerous beast-"

"Calm down, (Y/N)." Harry puts his hand on your shoulder, meeting your eyes. You breath deeply, slowing your heartbeat. Your eyes return to (e/c), and your fingers return to their normal shade as your nails round once more.

"And? What happened?" Hermione asks, dreading the response. You hear a sob break from Hagrids lips, and your heart practically splits as he cries out.

"Buckbeaks bin sentenced ter death!" He drops the rest of the stones in his hand, and they splash into the lake. Buckbeak? No! He's innocent, Draco simply said the wrong words!

You stand up, taking off your shoes. You set them on the shore as you wade into the dark waters, walking to the crying man. Your pants are soaked by the time you reach him, as well as part of your long hoodie. You wrap slender arms around his torso, being you can only reach to his mid-back. As he cries, he hugs you back, mourning what may come of his Hippogriff.

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