17 - Fingerless

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You look to the door, where a spiral of light makes its way to Sirius' wand. He flies out of his hand, and the man who cast the spell walks through the door and into the room. In black robes, Professor Snape stands with his chin tilted up, staring at the prisoner of Azkaban.

"Ah, vengeance is sweet." Snape says, staring at the thin man. "How I hoped Id be the one to catch you."


"I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle." Snape spits, glaring at Lupin. "Here's the proof."

"Brilliant! And -- as usual --
dead wrong. Remus and I have a bit of unfinished business to tend to-" Snape places his wand against Sirius' neck, and he pushes him back until he is against the old piano.

"Dont be a fool, Serverus!" Lupin says, approaching the duo.

"He cant help it. Its a habit by now-"

"Sirius!" Lupin says, stopping the misshapen man from making the situation worse.

"Look at you two, quarreling like an old married couple." The potions teacher says, rolling his eyes. The four of you stay in the corner of the room, watching the scene play out.

"Piss off."

"Witty as ever I see. Tell me,
will you be so irreverent when I
turn you over to the Dementors?" Blacks eyes widen at this, as they well should by such a threat. "Do I detect a flicker of fear? One can only imagine what it must be like to endure the Dementor's Kiss. It's said to be unbearable to witness. But I'll do my best."

You whip your wand from your jacket, pointing the ivory stick at Snapes body. You cant let him do such a thing, the full story isnt out yet, and no innocents will be condemned on your part.

"Expelliarmus!" Snape is blown backwards with your spell, and he crashes into the four poster. It collapses, being so unstable and with so much force, and partially buries Snape beneath the drapes and posts.

"(Y/N)! You just attacked a teacher!" Hermione says as Harry and Sirius smile at you. You sigh, keeping your wand raised.

"I'm sure I'll do worse in my life. You." You say, pointing the wand at Sirius as he stands from the piano. "How do you know Peter Pettigrew?"

"He was at school with us. We thought he was our friend." Lupin states.

"No." You say, looking to Black. "Pettigrews dead. He killed him."

"I thought so too." Lupin says, desperately explaining. "Until I saw his name on the map."

"Then it lied-"

"The map never lies!" Sirius shouts, twirling cockily in the gray room. "Pettigrews alive. And he's right there!"

You look to Ron, who is being pointed at by Sirius. Ron grows frantic, his jaw going slack as he points to himself.


"No!" Sirius cries, growing anxious. "Not you, you idiot. Your rat!"

"Scabbers?" Rons squeaky voice asks. "B-but hes been in my family for-"

"Twelve years?" Black says bitterly. "A curiously long
life for a common garden rat.
He's missing a toe, isn't he?"

"What's it matter?"

"All they could find of Pettigrew was his finger...." You say, looking at Scabbers. The rat squirms, more nervous than anyone else in the room.

"Dirty coward cut it off
so everyone would think he was
dead. Then he transformed into a rat." Sirius says, gesturing to the writhing critter in Rons arms. You stare at the animal, then look back to the two conscious teachers, taking time to glance at the knocked out Snape.

"Show me."

Sirius storms forward, stomping to Ron as he holds Scabbers protectively.

"Give it to him, Ron."

"No!" Sirius rips the rodent from Weasleys grasp, holding it by the neck. "Scabbers!"

"Together." Lupin says, getting out his wand. Sirius nods, and sets Scabbers on the piano. He scurries across, and the two launch spells at the rat. They miss, and just as he is about to run through a hole in the wall Sirius hits him. The rat morphs, quickly growing into a chubby man with thinning red hair, long grotesque nails and buck teeth. He looks up at the two, smiling nervously and speaking in his angsty voice.

"Sirius....Remus....my old friends-" He runs for the door, but the men lock their arms with his and throw him backwards. He spots you and Harry, and he scurries over to you.

"(Y/N)! Oh, you look just like him dont you? We were friends, and your mother-!"

"Dont speak of (M/N) in front of me." Sirius says, pulling the fat man in the suit away from you. The glint in his eyes worries you, and the tone of his voice sends shivers down your back.

"I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself what you would have done, Sirius. What?"

"I would have died!" He shouts, his deep voice resonating. "I would have died before I killed my friends....before I would risk the life of my wife!" Sirius suddenly cuts off his speech, and Pettigrew writhes in his grasp. All eyes turn to you.

Ron stares awe-struck; Hermione filled with curiosity. Harry stands beside you, hesitant of what to say. Lupin gulps, waiting cautiously for your reaction. You are stiff as a board as you swallow hard, your wide eyes glued to the still figure of Sirius Black.

"...You?" You ask, staring at the man as he holds the rat turned human. Peter turns his head your direction, and he smiles while he twitches. He looks at Sirius, pointing up at him accusingly.

"You didnt tell her, did you?" He says, giggling. "What did they say his name was, girl? Did they tell you your father was some heroic man from a distant land?"

"(F/N) wasnt real, was he? My dad isnt even from America, he didn't go to Ilvermorny." Your voice shakes as you stare at Sirius, who glances your direction. He sets Peter on his knees harshly, then turns to you as Lupin keeps an eye on Pettigrew. Sirius walks forward, coming to a stop in front of you.

He sets a calloused hand on your cheek, and a tear slips his eye as many cascade down your cheeks. Black speaks in a light voice, as soft as he can make it after years devoid of human contact and torment of prison.

"Hello, daughter."

A/N: In this book, Sirius Black is not related to Narcissa Malfoy, therefore you are not related to Draco. Ive altered some of the story line, so instead of the House of Black and the House of Malfoy being related, they simply knew each other well. It will all play out in the end!

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