6 - Take Off!

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"Woah...." You say, youre jaw hanging open in awe at the majestic beast that flies to the ground ahead of you. Its clawed gray feet collide with the ground, and blue gray feathers glisten against its horse sized body. An owls wings rest on its furry pelt, a tail far behind its black beak and wise yellow eyes.

"Say hello to Buckbeak!" Hagrid says, smiling proudly at the stallion sized creature. Youre maroon lips part into a giddy smile as Buckbeak pats at the dry ground.

"What exactly is that?" Ron asks, raising an eyebrow at the creature.

"Its a Hippogriff!" Hagrid responds as your body shakes in excitement. Youve never seen one before! As Rebeus continues,  you feel Malfoys lingering gaze at your animal love.

"First thing you wanna know is they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may be the last thing you ever do."

People shift nervously at their teachers words, a few grumbling profanities. Hagrid turns to the class, clapping his hands together.

"Now, who'd like to come say hello?" You freeze. Sure, you love animals, but to think a Hippogriff might think you worthy of even being in its presence?

"Well done, (Y/N)! Well done!" You snap back to reality, eyes widening as Hagrid approaches you. You whip your head around, seeing the entire class had backed away making it look as if you stepped forward. You blink rapidly as Hagrid takes your hand, pulling you towards a narrow eyed Buckbeak.

"Now, you have to let him make the first move. So....step up. Give him a nice bow." Hagrid takes a few heavy stomps backwards, and you creep towards the Hippogriff. After you make it four feet away from him, you pull an arm over your stomach and place your wrist on your back as you bend down. You take shallow breathes as you await your friends instructions.

"Alright, see if he bows back."

"I dont think-"

"Shut it, Malfoy!" Hermione says cutting off Draco. As you keep your eyes on Buckbeaks claws, you dont notice your still-secret boyfriend holding his breath. Your galaxy cape flutters a bit behind you as a hint of wind touches its hem, brought by the descent of Buckbeaks head to return your bow.

"Yes!" Hagrid says as you exhale loudly, following the Hippogriffs acention. You stand straight, smiling lightly at the creature. "Well done, (Y/N)!"

People applaud at this, and Hagrid sets a hand on your back as Buckbeak tilts his head to the side. He pushes you forward, and you understand what he wants as you place your palm ahead of the sharp, golden beak of the creature. Its hot breath warms your hand as you wait. In seconds, he leans into your palm and lets you pet his eagle like head.

"Good job! I think he may let you ride him now."

"Wha- woah!" Hagrid picks you up beneath the arms, lifting you towards the massive critter. You squirm in his grip as he lifts you onto the Hippogriff, setting you on his furry back. Your legs sit just behind the wing joint, and your arms hold you steady against Buckbeaks gray back. "Now dont pull out any of his-"

You let out a shriek, throwing your arms around Buckbeaks thick neck as he spreads his wings wide. He gallops forward, forcing your cape to float behind you as a streak of the night sky in the afternoon light. As he takes off, you hear your peers shouting your name in worry.

Buckbeak soars over the enormous lake surrounding Hogwarts, swooping closer to the water. His claws brush the liquid as he glides over the Black Lake, and you grow more comfortable with this flight. Of course, you've never flown outside of the castle grounds, but if this is what it feels like......

"WOOOHOOOO!" You cry, throwing your hands out to your sides as you steady yourself on Buckbeaks back. He caws, and you laugh. As he swoops upwards, you wrap your hands back around his neck. He flies towards the trees, circling the clearing where the others stand in awe. Buckbeaks front claws and back hooves collide with the ground, and he gallops, slowing down until he stops. Everyone applauds and rushes over to you as you hop off his back, stroking his head.

"Good Hippogriff." You say, smiling sweetly at the half bird half horse. Buckbeak seems to smile from his eyes, being it would be a bit more difficult since he has no lips. You turn from him, speaking to Hagrid.

"How am I doing me first day?" He asks, leaning down to your height. You smile happily, incredibly proud of Hagrid.

"Wonderful, professor." He smiles, then looks back to Buckbeak pleased. You shake your head at the man child, then turn towards your friends. You only get a glimpse of Rons ginger hair before your entire vision is clouded with a mixture of white, green and ebony.

The mass of black and green fabric is pressed against your cheek as two pale arms wrap around your back. The cold body of whoever is hugging you contrasts their warm robes. As they release you from their iron grip, their snow toned hands make their way to your (s/c) cheeks.

"Please dont approach anymore fantastical creatures." Malfoy says, taking his hands from your cheek and back into a hug. You laugh, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.

"What? Buckbeak likes me!" You say as you pull away, seeing your peers all gawking at the Hippogriff, not noticing you and Dracos moment. Malfoy stares at the creature, then daggers towards it. You grow concerned, knowing how proud both are.

"Youre not dangerous at all, are you, you big ugly brute?"


Buckbeak rears on his hooves, his front claws raised high above Dracos head as he crows. The other students shriek as you rush forwards, but not in time to stop Malfoys arm from being scratched by Buckbeak.

"No! No, Buckbeak!" Hagrid says, calming the gray and white beast. His angry dandelion eyes glare down at Malfoy as you crouch next to him, looking at his ripped cloak and shirt as blood seeps through the fabric.

"My arm! He's killed me!" Draco cries, rolling around on the ground as he clutches his ripped skin. You look to Hermione who quickly examines his wound and gives a diagnosis.

"He has to be taken to hospital!" She says, looking to Hagrid.

"(Y/N), take him. Ill take care of Buckbeak." Hagrid says, walking away with the Hippogriff. You wrap a slender arm around Malfoys waist, hauling him up and off to the hospital wing of Hogwarts.

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