20 - Farewell

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You hop off of Buckbeak, landing on the tower balcony. An iron gate is all that stands between you and your father, due to the fact he was put there in the past, and you point your wand at the bars.

"Bombarda!" The gate blasts open, and Sirius dodges it as it crashes into his cell. He walks out, smiling proudly once more, now that youve freed him.

"That'll do."

*Time Skip*

You fly over Hogwarts, riding Buckbeak at the front with Hermione behind you, then Harry, then Sirius. Your fathers long hair flows back in the wind, and he laughs joyously.

"Oh, you truly are my daughter, (Y/N)!" You laugh as your dad puts his arms out to his sides, enjoying the flight sensation.

*Time Skip*

You sit on a stone bench in the courtyard of Hogwarts, and your father is sitting next to you. You sigh loudly in the early morning light, looking over at Harry, Hermione, and Buckbeak a few feet away.

"I wish we could come with you." You say, looking between Harry and Sirius. He sighs, looking over to his godson.

"One day perhaps. For some time...life will be too... unpredictable. Besides, you're meant to be here. You have the Malfoy boy to take care of, maybe you can still change his ways. But you must promise me something." He says, turning you towards him. "Trust yourself. No matter the challenges you face -- and I fear they will be many -- you'll be surprised how many times you can find the answers..." He points to your heart, smiling kindly. "Here."

"We have to go." Hermione says, looking to the chimming clock tower. You grab a shimmering material that you previously had hidden behind your back, and hand it to Sirius.

"I....I want you to have this. Ill feel better knowing you'll remember me." You hand Sirius your galaxy cloak, one that will protect him from any muggle weapons. He smiles gratefully, wrapping it around his shoulders. He pulls you into his arms, holding you as close as he can manage.

"I love you, (Y/N). Please, please remember that." You pull away, standing with your father and leading him to Buckbeak. As he mounts the Hippogriff, you smile up at him.

"I love you too, dad."

Thats the last you see of him as he flies away on Buckbeak, waving to you as the sun rises over the hillside.

*Time Skip*

You look around Professor Lupins office, seeing many suitcases packed and papers scattered everywhere. Remus hears you enter, and he sends you a smile.

"Hello, (Y/N)." You frown at the state of your godfather, his neck still healing from when you tore at his skin. He grins softly, shaking his head.

"I've been worse."

"Have you been fired?" You ask, looking around the room and seeing all the papers and books that are either packed or still messy.

"Resigned, actually."

"What?!" You ask, looking up at Lupin. "But why?!" He shakes his head, looking down at his desk.

"It seems that someone has let slip the nature of my condition."

"Snape." You growl, crossing your arms. Lupin shrugs, continuing to pack his desk with the light of the morning sun shining through the windows.

"Whoever. It was bound to get out. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving. Parents will not want a -- someone like me -- teaching their children." You throw your arms in the air, gesturing to yourself.

"Lucius Malfoy didnt even want me going to school here, but look at that!" Lupin shakes his head, and you know its not as simple as your situation.

"Well, before I go, please tell me about your Patronus." You look up at your godfather, who is beaming politely.

"I mean, it was rather obvious. I would have suspected a dragon, but it was-"

"A lioness?" Remus asks, raising an eyebrow. You nod, and his smile grows.

"Your mother used to transform into one. That's how she was able to keep me company when I visited her and I grew....sick. Though I knew her for a short time, and she did go to Ilvermorny, she was a wonderful woman. A good friend to us all." He picks up his suitcase, and turns to you.

"There are stories about she and Sirius, you know. Some are even true. But I think it's safe to say, in the end, you'll know them best by getting to know yourself." Lupin then -- with a wicked twinkle -- hands you a piece of parchment.

"As I am no longer your teacher, I dont feel guilty about giving you this." He hands you the paper, and raises his wand.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." Ink seeps onto the page, and you see that he has handed you back the Marauders Map. You look back up to thank Lupin, but he's gone.

*Time Skip*

"Harry, how fast is it?"

"Can we see it?"

"Whos it from?"

The questions of the Gryffindors ring in the courtyard as people swarm Harry, who has recieved a wonderful gift of a Firebolt: the fastest broom there is. You stand to the side, watching people adore him as your side is still healing from the attack of the professor. You grin as everyone watches Harry mount the broom, a gift from your father. You had received a gift as well, a new cloak for Hogwarts; a black one like everyone elses. It has a purple color on the inside, and the crest of Dratheum(a silver dragon) on the breast.

"Hello, love." You jump slightly as two slender arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into a tall body. You turn your head slightly, seeing the pale face of Draco Malfoy resting on your shoulder.

"Im glad you arent mad." He says, thinking of Buckbeak. Well....he doesnt have to know that he's alive. You peck his cheek, looking as Harry flies off into the air with incredible speed.

"Well, our visit to Ruby made up for it." You say, thinking of not a day prior when you had went to see Ruby with your boyfriend. She has nearly reached twenty feet, and looks quite intimidating. You hear Malfoy snarl as you watch your brother soar away.

"I still hate him."

"Thats fine, cause I love you."

"I love you too.........



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