16 - Expelliarmus

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After about five minutes of walking and ducking under roots in the roof of the passage, you finally reach the end. A dead end. The three of you look around, wondering where the dog could have taken Ron. Eventually, you look directly above you, and a hole in the roof reveals the only way out. You put your wand back into your jacket, then hoist yourself out of the hole. As you pull yourself up, you look around to see where you've arrived.

Walls around you are dusty and gray, as well as the stained floorboards. The stains look suspiciously like blood, and the entire house creaks with every movement. Rickety stairs are directly to your right, and a solitary lamp is unlit as moonlight pierces the broken walls and windows. You help the other two up, and Harry looks around.

"Wee're in the Shrieking Shack, arent we?" He asks, to which Hermione nods timidly. You grab her hand, pulling her up the stairs as you repress your own fear.

"C'mon." You say, tiptoeing up to the second story. You hear moans from the largest room, and you look to see one side of a pair of double doors open. You rush into the room, where a piano and four poster bed sit covered in hundreds of years worth of dust and cobwebs. You look to the far corner, and see Ron sitting holding Scabbers on a small mattress surrounded by broken boards.

"Ron!" You say, running over to him. He shakes his head at the bruised and beaten three of you, pointing to the other wall.

"No! No its a trap! The dog, he's the dog! Hes an animagus!"

You look down at the ground, seeing black paw prints trailing across the floor. You follow them all the way to the double doors you entered, and watch terrified as the solitary open door closes. From behind it, a man stands, the man you had been dreading. The man who betrayed your parents. Sirius Black.

His hair is oily and hangs to his shoulders, curling in waves over his pale skin. He has a short beard and mustache, and his lips art parted to reveal teeth with terrible hygiene from so long in Azkaban. He wears his prison clothes still, a striped jumpsuit of light gray and a tanned green. They are ripped badly, and a ragged brown coat of thin material sits on his arms. His upper chest is revealed, showing many tattoos painted in his skin. He studies Harry keenly, and when he sees you his eyes widen in shock.

Hermione side steps quickly, and she pushes you and Harry behind her. She breathes heavily, her pink zipper jacket rising and falling quickly.

"If you want to kill them, you'll have to go through me!"

"No." Sirius says, his voice deep and malicious. "Only one will die tonight."

"Then it'll be you!" You shout, outraged with what he had done to your parents. You run at him, wrapping your hands around his neck and wrestling him to the ground. You finally get him down, and you pull out your wand and point it at his face while you hold his neck with your other palm.

He laughs maniacally as you cut off his airway, and his hands are wrapped on your wrist in an attempt to pry it off. As he cackles, you tighten your grip on your wand, which is pointed at his face.

"I never thought you would be the one to kill me, dear." Your breath is heaved as you go to speak, or to cast a spell; either way you dont get the chance to do it.

"Expelliarmus!" Your wand is knocked to the ground, where Harry runs and picks it up. You turn to see Professor Lupin with his wand pointed at you, and his golden chocolate hair a mess. He flicks his wand to the side, gesturing for you to move. You clamber off Sirius, and run to get your wand from Harry as Lupin approaches Black with his wand ready.

"Looking a bit ragged, arent we Sirius?" R.J. says, standing over the gangly man. "Finally the skin reflects the madness within."

"Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldnt you Remus?"

The two stare at each other, and soon both begin to laugh. Lupin reaches down, grabbing Black's arm and pulling him up. Sirius hugs Remus desperately, clinging to him in a pathetically weak way. For some reason, it hurt you to see him in this insanity driven state.

"No!" Hermione cries, pointing at Lupin. "I trusted you! And all this time you've been his friend! He's a werewolf. Thats why he's been missing classes!"

Lupin leaves the hug with Sirius, walking closer to Hermione with his eyes narrowed. "How long have you known?"

"Since Professor Snape assigned the essay." Lupin shakes his head, clearly irritated. Sirius howls, bitterly amused, and Lupin sends him a look before turning back to the four of you.

"Well, Hermione, you really are the cleverest witch of your age-"

"Enough talk! He dies. Now. If you won't do it with me, Remus, I'll do it alone." You step in front of Harry, aware that the 'one who will die tonight' is chosen. You wont let him kill your brother!

"Wait, Sirius-"

"I did my waiting!" Black cries, shaking. Tears brim his eyes, but he holds them back as he shouts in the murky room. "Twelve years of it! In Azkaban! Because of him, I missed out on everything she's done."

You blink rapidly, looking at Sirius as he stares back at you, still violently rattling. You crease your eyebrows, both confused by what he said and....unreasonably upset.

"No!" You exclaim, taking a step forward in uncontrolled rage. Your voice breaks a few times as you speak, holding back tears. "You betrayed our parents! You sold them to Voldemort!"

"Thats not true!" Sirius says, obviously hurt. "I would never betray James or Lily! And I swore I would never hurt (M/N)!"

"What about my father. What about (F/N)!"

The entire room goes silent with your words. Your three friends behind you breath quitely, just as uncertain as you are. Lupin has stiffened, and stares at you with wide eyes. You glare at Sirius, waiting for an answer. He looks down, quite literally unable to hold your gaze. You watch as a single, crystal tear slides down the mans sunken face, and he stares back at you.

"I'm so sorry." He mumbles, wiping his face. He regains his composure, looking around the room. "We'll speak of it later, but right now there are more important matters."

"Like what?!" You cry, staring at Lupin and Sirius. Lupin shakes his head, once again irritated.

"Someone else betrayed your

parents. Someone in this

room right now. Someone who,

until quite recently, I believed

to be dead." Harry steps forward, as this is his business too.

"Who?" He asks, to which Sirius laughs once more.

"Peter Pettigrew! And he's here! Right in this room! Come out Peter!" He says, walking forward with his wand pointed. "Come out, come out and play!"


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