15 - Divination

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You sit across from Hermione in divination, with Harry and Ron at a red draped table next to you. Hermione puts her hand on the crystal ball, still trying to grasp the subject she so dearly hates. She starts speaking, though it is clearly made up.

"Its the Grim! The Grim!" You shake your head, knowing she doesn't see anything. Trelawny comes over, and you look down at your black pants and gray silk blouse, your galaxy cloak wrapped around your shoulders. Trelawny takes Hermiones hands in her own, frowning through her gigantic glasses.

"My dear, from the moment you first arrived in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of
Divination. You may be young in years, but the heart that beats
beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave." You watch, amazed the professor would say something like that.

Hermione suddenly stands, knocking the crystal ball off of your table. She storms out of the classroom, and the ball rolls after her. Her blink, surprised this would actually happen.

*Time Skip*

You walk out of class, down the winding steps of the divination tower. Harry walks ahead of you, Ron clambering behind as he speaks.

"Shes gone mental, Hermione has. I mean, not that she wasnt before, but now its out for everybody to see..." You slow as you see the crystal ball, which Hermione had knocked over, sitting at the base of the tower steps. You sigh, looking up to the classroom which is so many stairs away....you just got down!

"Im going to take this back to Trelawny, see you guys." You say, grabbing the ball. The boys nod, and you start the long trek up the stairs once more.

*Time Skip*

You walk into the now empty room, which is rather ominous when not filled with students. You carefully place the glass orb on a table, staring into the mist. Your (e/c) eyes follow the cloudy orb as a face begins to form in it, and a strange voice begins to call out from the haze.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)...." The voice seems to scream your name, though it is whispered from the ball. You watch on, and your eyes widen as the face of Sirius Black emerges from the fragile orb.

His eyes are sunken into his face, and he appears to not have slept in years, though it may be a side effect from Azkaban. His hair falls to his shoulders in waves of dark brown, and a mustache is curled above his top lip that connects to a short beard. Instead of a short of anger and mania, he seems to call your name in desperation, as if he misses you(Unlike the movie with Harry).

You are snapped out of your trance as a hand falls to your shoulder, gripping it tightly. You wheel around, greeted by the seemingly void face of Professor Trelawny. Her eyes are rolled towards her forehead, and her mouth moves as if on its own.

"He will return tonight....Tonight, when the clock strikes
twelve, the servant shall break
free. He and his Master shall be
reunited. It cannot be prevented."

Trelawney smiles savagely... then her head falls forward.
When it rises, she blinks and eyes the hand that lies upon your shoulder. Her hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear girl. Did you say something?" You shake your head, unable to say anything as you are still a bit petrified. You rush out of the room, leaving the woman a bit flustered as she runs a hand through her voluminous curly brown hair.

*Time Skip*

The next day, you have dressed yourself in a black leather jacket and white t- shirt, as well as dark blue jeans and ebony combat boots. You rush down the grassy hill, hurrying towards Hagrids hut.

"I cant believe this! They cant kill Buckbeak!" You say, practically running as the others try to keep up. Hermione and Harry slow down as Ron points down the hill towards a formation of three large stone pillars on the overhang next to Hagrids hut.

"It just got worse." Ron says, pointing at the rocks. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle all hide behind the rock, and your boyfriend has binoculars.

"MALFOY!" You cry, running down towards him. He turns, and his pale eyes grow wide as he sees you. He then spots the other three, and a smirk plasters itself on his face.

"Well, come to enjoy the show?" You stiffen, and find yourself having to hold Hermione back as she gets into a dueling stance. She points her wand at Malfoy, and he pushes himself against the stone.

"Hermione, stop it!" You cry, defending your partner although you are simply outraged. She lowers her wand, and as Draco sighs in relief she pulls her arm back behind her head, then throws it towards his face in a violent punch!

"Ah!" Draco cries, holding the bridge of his nose as it begins to bleed. The red seeps down his pale lips, and he runs away to get help. You want to go to him, but there are more pressing matters. As they leave, you run down towards the small house, and knock rapidly on the door as Buckbeak caws. He is chained next to the house in a pumpkin patch, and he obviously knows what is about to happen. Hagrid opens the door, and welcomes you in quietly.

*Time Skip*

You sit in Hagrids hut, watching as he trudges around. The afternoon light shines brightly through the open window, and you can hear Buckbeak eating a ferret from outside. Hagrid stumbles around as you sit quietly, along with Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Rebeus walks over to the window, staring over at his Hippogriff.

"Look at 'em. Loves the smell o' the wind in te' trees."

"I say we set him free." Harry says, looking around Hagrid to the creature outside. You nod in agreement, though you know that would make Hagrid look bad.

"They would say Hagrid released him, and he could be thrown in jail. If not, it would get Dumbledore in trouble." You put your hand on your chin, holding it steady. Hagrid tilts his head, knowing you are correct.

"Dumbledores a good man, he is." Hermione speaks up, frowning at the large man in the small, cluttered house.

"We'll stay with you, Hagrid."

"No!" He says, turning to the four of you. "Yeh will not! Think I wan' yeh seein' a thing like this! No. Yeh'll drink yer tea an' be off."

"Scabbers!" You turn, having heard Ron say the name of his pet rat. He swoops down, grabbing his rodent and pulling it to his chest. You say nothing, but you notice a finger missing on its toe.

"Yeh need to keep a closer eye on yer pet, Ron." Hagrid says, looking down at the rat. Hermione crosses her arms, glaring at Ron. He groans, looking over to Hermione.

"Fine, Ill apologize to your cat later." He says, having previously accused Hermiones oet of eating his own while Scabbers was missing for the past month.

"I wasnt talking about Crookshanks, I was talking about me!" Hermione says, tears brimming her eyes. You raise your eyebrows as you scoot a bit farther away from the two, eventually reaching the end of the bench where Harry sits just as hesitantly. Suddenly, a painful object is thrown at your head.

"Ow!" You say, rubbing your scalp. You look down at the ground, seeing a star shaped rock lying still. Its clearly what hit you, and you walk to the window to look for an explanation.

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