15 - Execution

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"Guys...." You say, looking out the window. Walking down the hill is Dumbledore, who is followed by Filch, who is followed by an executioner. He wears black robes and holds an oversized axe, one clearly large enough to slice off a Hippogriffs head.

"Yeh got to go! It's almost dark.
Anyone sees yeh outside the castle it'll be trouble! Big trouble! 'Specially you two!" Hagrid says, pointing at Harry and yourself. You quickly go to the back door, and you usher your three friends out in front of you. When the door begins to bang, you rush behind a cluster of large pumpkins and crouch behind them. The three men walk into Hagrids hut as crows begin to circle Buckbeak, and you hear a shushing sound behind you. You turn, looking into the woods where the branches dance oddly. Maybe it was Ruby? No, your dragon cant speak....

"What is it?" Harry asks as you turn back around. You peek over the orange lumps, seeing the four men speaking in the hut.

"Nothing." You tell you brother, ignoring whatever just happened in the trees. "C'mon, lets go."

You rush up the steep hill, early tripping on the emerald grass. You make it to the rock formation, and you look back down at the hut. You hold back tears as you watch Dumbledore directing the attention away from the pumpkin patch, which hides Buckbeak from view. Eventually, the hunchbacked man in the black robes walk to the patch. Hermione turns into Rons shoulder, refusing to watch although it cant be seen.

Harry sets a hand on your shoulder as the metal weapon glistens in the setting sun, and the executioner brings it down. You wince as you hear it cut into something, something you can only assume to be Buckbeaks neck. You listen to the tolling of the bell tower, which only adds to the pain.

The sky glows blood red, and shrieking crows stain the heavens. They seem to chant a curse, one cast upon you and your friends. You stare at the ground, the setting sun reflecting on a few wet blades of grass.

"Ow! Scabbers!" You turn, seeing a drop of red liquid running down Rons hand. Scabbers is on the ground, already headed for the forest after he bit the Weasley boy. The red head dashes after his pet, and you share a glance with both Hermione and Harry before blazing after him.

You weave through the trees, bolting after your friend as you call his name. Twigs snap beneath your feet as the sun curves down the mountainside, and the moon replaces it in the now dark blue sky. Stars emerge from the inky black tone, splattered on the cloudy sky.

"Ron!" You finally reach the edge of the forest. You push branches out of your way, coming to a stop out on a moonlit patch of land. The Black Lake sits nearby, and Ron runs up the nearby hillside agter his rat.

"(Y/N), you realize thats...."

"The Womping Willow." Harry says, finishing Hermiones statement as they catch up with you. You shake your head vigorously as your ginger friend runs over the top of the hill, straight for the tree. You chase him, your boots slipping a bit as you skid to a stop on the top of the elevation. Ron sits beneath the tree, cradling the rodent in his bloody palm.

"Ron, get out of there!" He looks up at the sound of your voice, and realizes what tree he is under. He rushes over to you, and you meet him halfway. Being that the other two are drastically slower than you, you make it to Ron first.

You go to say something, but your hybrid hearing makes you stop. You turn your head towards the woods, seeing a figure creeping closer. You tilt your head, seeing the all too familiar wolf with lime eyes staring at you.

"No!" You push Ron behind you, and he stumbles backwards and falls. The canine runs from the trees, leaping at you!

You raise an arm to protect yourself, but the wolf jumps over your head. He bounds towards Ron, latching onto his leg. You watch in horror as spears of ivory are stained maroon, and Ron is dragged to the dark tree. The beast pulls Ron with its strong jaws, and you instantly dive for your friend.

"(Y/N)!" He cries as you grab his hand. You try to stand up, but instead the wolf drags you along with him as you hold tightly to Rons arm.

Harry grabs your leg, and Hermione grabs Harry's arm. As the three of you try to get the dog away from the Weasley boy, its grows incredibly close to the tree. Soon enough, the dog is at the base of the Whomping Willow. It drags him beneath a large, thick root, where a hidden passage is waiting. You cant see whats beneath, but down the rocky steps under the root is a damp corridor.

"Ron! Hold on!" You exclaim as Harry grabs a nearby rock, holding onto both it and your foot as ebony furred creature continues to yank at Rons foot. Ron looks up at you, and he meets your (e/c) eyes with his own. You shake your head, realising what he is about to do as he releases his fingers from yours.

"No! Ron!!" He lets go of you, and is pulled down the large rabbit hole and beneath the enormous tree. The other two let go of you as you prepare to dive in after the ginger.

"I'm going - ah!" Your voice is cut off with a sudden sharp blow to the gut, and you are thrown in the air. You land on the dry grass, and look to see what hit you. The Whomping Willow is swaying in the wind, its branches grabbing at you and your friends just as it did when the car crashed into it last year.

"Hermione, look out!" You call as another branch grabs her, tossing her directly at you. You scurry to get up, but are far too slow. Hermione collides with you, and you both tumble across the ground. You get up in time to see Harry being grabbed at by a vine, and you dive to push him out of the way. You both roll in time to avoid the plant, once again standing only to see Hermione writhing in a branch high above your head.

The vine she is wrapped in rushes at you, and you duck. It releases Hermione, who helps you stand as more vines attack the three of you. You cant let a plant kill you! You have to get back to Draco!

"Go!" You shout, pointing to the hole that Ron had previously dissapeared in. Your brother and friend run at it, tumbling down the passage. You turn, sending the Womping Willow the bird as you jump into the hole beneath its roots, quickly reaching the bottom.

You brush off your white t-shirt and jeans, pulling your dragon tooth wand from your leather jacket. You help Hermione and Harry stand as you cast 'Lumos'. The light from your wand reveals a winding tunnel; the walls and roof made of the earths interior as you run your hand across dirt and stone.

"Where do you suppose this leads?" Harry asks. Hermione looks at him, then gives you a look that is very concerning.

"I have a hunch."

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