5 - Trelawney and Hagrid

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"Dont you find this a bit odd?" You ask, looking at your brother who sits next to you in divination class. To you other side is Ron, the three of you grouped at a circular table draped in red cloth. In fact, much of the classroom is like that.

The tables that students sit at are all on platforms, each higher than the last with a door at the top to enter and exit the class. At the bottom of the stairs is the circular area where the professors desk is, and the entire room is heavily decorated with heavy drapes and colorful rugs. Though, it doesnt surprise you based on who your teacher is.

"Only a little." Harry says with a playful smile as you look at Ron, who stares down into his teacup. You all had one, being you were....what did she say? Reading the tea leaves?

"Welcome, my children!" An elder voice says, wobbling as words come from the woman's mouth. Her hair is a mass of brown frizz, tied back by a vibrant green bandana. She wears robes of the same color, and large brown glasses that work like maginifying glasses sit on her narrow face.

"In this room, you will explore the noble art of Divination. You shall discover if you possess the Sight. I am Professor Trelawney. Together we shall cast ourselves into the future. This term, we'll focus on Tasseomancy, the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person to your left."

You take Harry's cup, and Ron takes yours as your brother received the gingers teacup. You stare down at Potters, and the leaves seem to mimic the ones that were in your own.

"First, you must look beyond." Trelawny says, spreading her arms wide to emphasize the mystic ways of her class.

"What a load of rubbish."

"Ah!" You gasp, jumping in your seat with the boys at your sides. Hermione has appeared at your table, but you know for a fact she wasnt there a moment ago.

"Where did you come from?" Ron asks, staring at the teleporting girl. She rolls her eyes, looking back to the professor.

"I've been here all this time." She says nothing more as Trelawny walks over to your table, smiling at you.

"Look at the cup. Tell me what you see." She says, looking to the Weasley boy next to you. He looks nervous, and you grin reassuringly.

"Yeah. (Y/N)s got sort of a wonky cross. That's trials and suffering. And that there could be the sun and that's happiness. So... you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it." You frown, then look down at the cup in your hands, which belonged to Harry a moment ago.

"Yeah....so does Harrys." You say, tilting your head.

"Give me the cups." Trelawny says, taking the objects of china in her hands. She looks at both, and her wide eyes grow wider as she lets out a yelp and throws the teacups back at you. Luckily, you catch your white porcelain as Harry catches his. "Oh, my dear children......you have the Grim."

"The Grin? What's the Grin?" Ron asks, shaking his head.

"Not the Grin, you idiot. The Grim." Hermione says, flicking Rons ear. A boy with black hair and dark skin speaks up from across the room, looking down at a wine colored book in his hands.

"Taking the form of a giant spectral dog. It's among the darkest omens in our world. It's an omen... of death."

You look to your adoptive brother, your eyebrows creased. As you glance away from him, you look to the bottom of the miniscule white cup. The soaked black tea leaves stick to its pale bottom, staining the flawless interior. As they hold their shape, the leaves form the shape of what looks like a wolf, its teeth bared in a howl.

*Time Skip*

"You don't think that Grim thing's got anything to do with Sirius Black?" Ron asks as the four of you quickly descend the stone steps lain in the grassy hillside, heading down towards Hagrids hut as he is teaching your next class. You practically hear Hermione roll her eyes as you hold your books closer to your silver blouse and black vest, just above your dress pants.

"Oh, honestly, Ron. If you ask me, Divination's a woolly discipline. Now, Ancient Runes, that's a fascinating subject." Hermione says, her hair bobbing behind her as she descends the grassy hill.

"Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking?" You ask, raising an eyebrow as your galactic cape flutters behind you, nearly hitting Harry.

"A fair few." She replies with a dismiss wave.

"Hang on. That's not possible. Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination. You would have to be in two classes at once!" Ron exclaims, practically on Hermiones heels.

"Don't be silly. How could anyone be in two classes at once?"

Something about that worried you.

*Time Skip*

"Thats it. Come on, come closer!" Hagrid says, leading the mixed class of Slytherins and Gryffindors down a dirt path in the woods, a small wall of stones bordering one side.

You all follow the giant man into a large clearing in the woods, people crowded around the circular area void of all trees. Bright yellow beams of sunlight break the canopy above, the rays shining on the cider colored ground.

"Less talking, if you don't mind. I got a real treat for you today. A great lesson! So follow me. Right, you lot. Less chattering. Form a group over there."

Rebeus points towards a small patch of land on the outskirts of the glade, a partially in tact stone fence lining it. You all walk towards the rock wall, pushing against it to give Hagrid more room in the large space.

"Right, now open yer books to page forty nine."

"How exactly do we do that?" Malfoy asks under his breath, looking down at his fuzzy brown book. A leather strap is wrapped around it to keep it from biting anyone, just like the rest of yours.

"Just stroke its spine." You say from your place at his side as you run your fingers down the side of your own book. It purrs, then open up to the requested page. Draco raises his eyebrows then quickly lowers them, petting his novel which opens as he asked.

You smile at this, then look back up to Hagrid. He smiles at you, and you wave to him as you walk over to calm down Longbottom, who looks rather nervous with his book. As you do, you hear the cry of Malfoy shouting the word 'Dementor!' Over and over. You whip around, seeing everyone in a panic. You then look to see Crabbe and Goyle standing on either side of Malfoy, their cloaks pulled over their heads to mimic Dementors. They put their hands out and wiggle their fingers, 'ooooh'ing to spook the other students.

As they finish their little joke, you give Draco a dissaproving look. He frowns, quickly pulling down his hood as he is easily made docile by you. You walk away from Neville, giving him a pat on the back as you make your way to the front of the group next to Harry and Ron. Hermione walks up behind you just as a loud screech is heard from the clear sky above, and a blur of blue-gray feathers brings down chartreuse leaves as it flutters to the ground.

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