10 - He Can't Stop Us

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"Draco....you can't be here." You say, shaling your head as you place yourself on your couch. You turn human once again; your fury replaced by sorrow. Draco quickly shuts the door to your room, rushing over to you on the couch.

"What do you mean, love?" He asks, cupping your face. You stare up at him, adoring the way the firelight shimmers on his pale skin and platinum hair. You are sure you look no where near as attractive as he at the moment, being that your hair is a mess of (h/c) and your cheeks are damp with the tears that fell from your red eyes.

"You-your father," You sob between words as you point to your broken coffee table, where the letter sits on top of bloody glass srained by your hands; which Draco holds as he picks up the letter in spite of the red liquid that seeps into his palms.

Your (e/c) orbs scan his light blue eyes as he reads the letter, his eyebrows raised in shock as he finishes. He sets it down, and as you go to say something else he silences you.

He pulls you to him gently-careful not to hurt your ripped arms- and puts his lips on yours. The gentle mold of your lips fits perfectly with his cold mouth as he lets go of your palms, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. Though his lips are cold, the kiss lights a fire in you more passionate than the roaring flame nearby. As he pulls away, you yearn for his touch.

"It's just words, (y/n)." He says as he glares at the paper. He stands, leaving your side as he picks up the letter and tosses it onto the charred logs. He returns to you and sits close on the ebony couch. The parchment crackles as he frowns at your hands.

"My father can't hurt you."

"B-But Hagrid!" You exclaim, shaling your head. "And Ruby! And Merlins beard if he hurt Harry I-"

"I wont let him." Draco says, his confident atitude returning. He runs a hand through your hair and smiles comfortingly;much different than his usual persona. "Its an idle threat. He wont act on it, Im sure of it."


"Promise me, Dratheum." He says as he stands from the couch. "Promise me you won't worry about this."

You look up at him, but you close your eyes. How could you not worry about this? He threatened your friends, he threatened their lives. All of this because you love his son?

But then your eyelids part to see the Malfoy boy standing in front of you.

His arm is out in front of his torso, welcoming you to stand with him. His back is straight, and his cloak falls behind him in a way that makes him look as of he rules the world; like he usually does. The way he stands proud, how he pretends nothing can hurt him, it gives you confidence. Maybe he really can prevent Lucius from doing any harm.

"I promise." You say, standing as you take his hand. His lips part into a wide grin, and you go to smile until your hands make contact. You wince, the cuts from when you wrecked your room still stinging violently. Draco notices, and drapes his arm around your shoulders.

"Lets go to the Hospital Wing."

*Time Skip*

You may quietly on your side, attempting to sleep in the Great Hall. The tables have been removed, and all lights have been blown out, all of this because of one man. All students sleep in the Great Hall because of what the Fat Lady -the painting of a woman who held the Gryffindor Common room shut- had been crying. She claimed Sirius Black is in the castle, and all this in the time you had recieved the letter from Lucius Malfoy!

Draco sleeps next to you....well, next is a mild word. He holds you close, sharing a blanket with you as he sleeps. He insisted he be near you tonight, what with the threat of Sirius Black. Your eyes are wide open when the door creaks open, and two professors walk in. Harry stirs from the other side of you, and you realize you have both been lying awake.

"Ive checked the dungeons, headmaster." Snapes deep voice crackles as he speaks, walking down the row of students on the ground with Dumbledore at his side. "No sign of Black, nor anywhere else in the castle. I didnt expect him to linger."

"Remarkable feat, dont you think?" Snape says after a moment of silence, though you cant see him since you close your eyes to give them the illusion you are unconcious. "To enter the castle entirely unnoticed."

You listen, but dont hear Dumbledore answer.

You may recall, prior to the start
of term, I did express my concerns when you appointed Professor --"

"I do not believe a single
professor inside this castle
would have helped Sirius
Black enter it, Severus." Dumbledore says as his padded feet walk slowly towards you. "No... I feel quite confident the
castle is safe. And I'm more than
willing to let the students return
to their Houses. But tomorrow.
For now, let them sleep.."

You breath slower, having heard the Headmaster slow to a stop near your head. Snape gazes down at you and your brother, his eyes glittering darkly as his lanky pale form and shoulder length black hair stands stiffly.

"Its astonishing what the body can muster when the mind is at rest."

*Time Skip*


Your head whips up, having heard the window shutters pulled shut with the flick of Professor Snapes wand. He walks down the rows of desks briskly, passing you, Harry, and Ron with glares. When he gets to the front of the room, all thw windows are closed and he pulls down a screen over the blackboard. He turns to the class, hplding his chin high.

"Turn to page 394." He crows, glaring at everyone. What is he doing here?! This is Defense Against the Dark Arts! Wheres Lupin?

"Sir?" You ask, hearing the scribble of a quill on parchment from the nearby Draco. "Wheres Professor Lupin?"

"That's not really your concern, is it, (L/N)? Suffice it to say,
your Professor finds himself
incapable of teaching at the moment." He struts forward, tapping his wand viciously to your book. "Turn to page 394."

He walks to the back of the room, turning on a machine so that a slide show presents itself on the screen at the front of the room. A drawing of an ancient beast appears, like that of a man and a dog combined into one.

You find it fascinating.

"Werewolves?" Ron asks from your left, pulling his usual face of confusion as a strand of red falls over his pale face.

"But, sir, we've only just begun
learning about Red Caps and
Hinkypunks. We're not meant to
start nocturnal beasts for

"Silence!" Snape exclaims, shouting at the girl behind you.

"Did you see her come in?" You ask, realizing it was Hermione who asked the question. "When did she get here?" You ask Harry, who sits at your right. He shrugs as Snape continues.

"Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?" You hear Hermiones black cloak- much different to your galaxy one- shift as her hand raises in response to Serverus' question. He ignores her, asking once more.

"Really? No one? How disappointing...."

"Please, sir." Hermione says, speaking without permission. You smirk, enjoying the mischief. "An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind."

Malfoy lets out a low howl, and you glare at him. He frowns, shutting up in response.

"That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Tell me. Are you incapable of
restraining yourself? Or do you
take pride in being an
insufferable know-it-all?" You glare at Snape, though you say nothing so that you may continue to make his life miserable in class.

"He has a point, you know." You shake your head at Ron as a paper goes flying past your head, hitting Harry. He unfolds it, and it is a moving doodle of Harry being struck by lightning during the upcoming Quidditch match. You glance at Malfoy, who is purposefully avoiding your gaze as he is the one who threw the paper.

"Not exactly Picasso, are you Potter?" Snape says, seeing the note. "I hope you demonstrate more talent on the Quidditch pitch this weekend then you do as an artist."

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