14 - Night

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You sit on your bed, the (f/c) drapes of the four poster closed. You wear blue pajama bottoms with a white star pattern, and a white ribbon is tied in the front. Your torso is covered by a loose, gray, long sleeved shirt with two buttons near your breasts.

You part the drapes, rolling off of the black covers and into your room. The stone walls and floor are dimly lit by few floating candles, as well as the miniscule (f/c) carpet. You walk over to a small oak desk, grabbing a folded piece of parchment on it. You unwrap the paper, and you take out your wand.

"Lumos." Your wand glows to show the face of the map. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."

Ink reveals itself on the page, showing the truth of the Marauders Map. Nametags walks the halls, as well as the footprints of the many teachers. You walk from your bedroom, into your living room, and finally out into the dark corridors of Hogwarts.

*Time Skip*

You find yourself in a hallway filled with paintings, each person in them asleep as it is mear midnight. Your bare feet make minute noise as you walk on an embroidered carpet, searching for a name that shouldnt be there. Peter Pettigrew.

His nametag walks down the next hallway, though that shouldn't be possible. He died, he was murdered by Sirius Black. But that is exactly why you are looking for him.

You watch the map, Pettigrews name rounding the corner ahead; one you cannot see in the dark hallway. You can only see about two feet ahead, but the map shows you where everyone is, and it never lies.

Your heart speeds up as his name faces yours. Twenty feet away: the adrenaline runs through your body. Ten feet: Your grip tightens on the map and your wand. Five feet: You resist the urge to step back. One foot.

You turn towards his name, which should be directly to your left. You throw your wand out in front of your chest, but the light reveals a mirror and your own terrified face. You sigh loudly, growing less flustered as you shake your head. Where is Pettigrew? Hes meant to be dead, but the map doesnt lie! You growl in frustration, ready to head back to your room. You look down to the paper, and your eyes grow wide. Snapes name comes down the same hall that you are in rapidly.

"Mischief Managed!" You say the words with incredible speed, and the ink on the parchment disappears. "Lumos." The light of your wand goes out, but not before the Potions teacher finds you. You turn around, and Serverus has his wand glowing as he glares down at you in the dark hallway.

"(L/N)." He spits, his voice deep and crackly as always. "What are you doing wandering the corridors at night?"

"I...." You stutter, thinking of what to tell the raven haired professor. "I...was...I was sleep walking." Your hand falls to your side, near the pocket of your navy pants where the map hides.

"How extraordinarily like your
father you are, (L/N). He, too,
was exceedingly arrogant.
Strutting about the castle...." Snape trails off, and you furrow your eyebrows. The teacher seem to realize what he said as you speak up.

"I was told my father went to Ilvermorny." You see a strange glint of fear in Serverus' eyes, but he quickly composes himself.

"Of course he did."


"Miss (L/N)!" Snape says, ending the conversation. "Turn out your pockets."


"Turn. Out. Your. Pockets." You refuse to move, and the man releases a previously contained rage. "Turn them out!"

Finally, you comply, although you are bothered by what Snape said. Your father was (F/N) (L/N), and he went to Ilvermorny!


You reveal the blank parchment to Snape, who sneers. He points his wand at it, and as horror fills your eyes he grows a sadistic half-smile.

"Reveal your secrets." Magic from Snapes wand allows the parchment to once again be a legible map, and Snape smirks as he demands you read it to him.

"'Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."

"Go on." You take a deep breath, and finally lower your hands and smile cynically at the professor.

"...and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other peoples business." Snape stiffened, and his smile curls to a frown.

"Why you insolent little-!"

"Professor." Snape turns his head and you look into the darkness as another man emerges. Lupin. With a bit of a bruised face, smiles politely at Serverus.

"Well, well, Lupin. Out for a little moonlit walk are we?" Snape seems to regain confidence as he speaks, but R.J. simply raises an eyebrow. He looks to you, clearly concerned.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" You nod tautly, but Snape speaks up.

"That remains to be seen. I've
just now confiscated a rather
curious artifact from Miss (L/N).
Take a look, Lupin. This is
supposed to be your area of
expertise. Its clearly full of dark magic." Snape hands the map to his co-worker swiftly, and Lupin studies it. Eventually, he smiles, looking back to the potions master.

"I seriously doubt that, Severus.
It looks to me as if it merely
insults anyone who tries to read
it. I suspect it's a Zonko
product. Nevertheless, I shall
pursue any hidden qualities it may possess. As you say, it's my area of expertise. Come, (L/N)." Snapes lips part slightly in shock, and you resist the urge to smile.

You walk with Lupin, heading Merlin knows where. As you pass Snape, you give him a cocky wave goodbye, smiling as you think Lupin saved you from a lecture. You are incredibly wrong.

*Time Skip*

You ring your hands, looking at the stone ground in shame. Lupin fumes in front of you, gripping the map tightly to control his anger as he shouts in his classroom. The moonlight pierces through the windows, revealing the layout of the room.

"I don't know how this map came to be in your possession, (Y/N), but I'm astounded that you didn't turn it in! Did you ever stop to think that this -- in the hands of
Sirius Black -- is a map to you?" You stay silent as Remus shouts, staring you down. He obviously feels a bit bad yelling at you, but continues to rant none the less.

"Your father....your father didn't set much store by rules either. But he and your mother did give their lives to save yours. Gambling their sacrifice by walking about the castle unprotected, with a killer
on the loose, strikes me as a poor way to repay them!" He sighs, putting a hand to his head as he releases some hardly contained anger. "I won't cover up for you again, (Y/N)."

You watch as Lupin sets the map on his desk, then busys himself with random papers. You lift your head, feeling rather guilty although you are still curious.


"Yes?" He asks,only half listening to you as you talk. You crease your eyebrows, having heard the hesitation once more when your dad was mentioned.

"Why is everyone so....strange....when they mention my father? I know my mother was a decendant of Meredith Dratheum, but who was he?"

Lupin becomes rigid when you ask the question, stopping mid-reach for a book. You hear him sigh, though it was clearly meant to go unheard.

"As everyone has said, your father was (F/N) (L/N), and he was a wizard from America." You frown, hearing the doubt in his own voice. Except, it may not be doubt....it sounds like deception.

"Sure. Okay." You state, making it clear you don't believe him. You storm towards the door, about to head back to your dormitory when you decide to tell the truth.
"Just so you know, I dont think the map always works. I saw Pettigrews name on it, walking in the hall."

"Well thats impossible." Lupin says, turning to look at you. He seems once again in a state of tranquility, though a sliver of uncertainty is in his stance. "Please head back to your room, (Y/N). And no detours." He holds up the map, beaming smugly. "If you do, Ill know."

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