12 - Nurse

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You all look over to the archway that is the entrance, seeing a boy standing there with frantic blue eyes and messy platinum hair. His head whips around the room until his orbs land on you, and he immediately begins to dash. In a blur of a black cloak Draco is latched onto you, holding you close. The others groan, walking over to Harry as they hate Malfoy.


You are cut off as you attempt to speak to your boyfriend. He slams his lips onto your own, which surprises you quiet a bit. Still, you kiss back. It is short lived as he pulls away, looking at you and glaring.

"Dratheum, you idiot!" He exclaims, scolding you. You raise an eyebrow, smirking at his behavior.

"I'm sure youre right, but why?"

"You got hurt trying to save Potter." He spits your brothers name, and you glare at him. He sighs, sitting on the side of your bed and looking at his feet. "You know how I feel about him."

"I know." You shake your head, as this is constantly an situation you avoid. You decide to let it go as two people walk into the room, each searching for either you or Harry. One is Dumbledore, who smiles as he walks over to your bedside. The other is Lupin, who gives you a quick grin as he goes to Harry.

"Miss (L/N)." Albus says as you sit up. "A word?"

You nod, leaving Draco with a comforting smile. You walk out into the corridors of Hogwarts as you follow the headmaster, who holds his hands behind his back as you walk at his side. When you are a decent distance away from the hospital wing, he begins to speak.

"Some of the teachers are considering your help as an interferance to the game, (Y/N)." You laugh, rolling your eyes.

"Oh no, I saved another student from severe injuries. How terrible of me!" Dumbledore smiles at your sarcastic behavior, looking down at you from behind his half-moon spectacles.

"I brought up the same point." You narrow your eyes at this, wondering where he is going. "I was able to persuade the professors, and we have decided it is a clever idea to have someone on the field to swoop into action when needed."

"What, you want me to be a nurse?" Dumbledore nods, explaining in more detail what he wishes for you to do.

"You are the only student here who has wings, dear girl. Since you are in none of the houses that play, you will be unbiased. So? Will you be there to help?"

You contemplate his proposition. Being on the field for every Quidditch game? You wouldnt play, no, but you could help others from severe injury. Besides, you've done it already......

"Alright. Ill do it." Dumbledore smiles sweetly, and he hands you a large black satchel with a white plus side and the word 'Nurse' on it. You accept it, putting it on your shoulder.

"Then here are your things. I'm sure you will enjoy this Miss (L/N)." With that, Dumbledore walks away towards his office. You peer into the bag, seeing many things stuffed into it. Among the contents is your outfit for games, which you study as you walk towards Lupin's room.

You will be wearing high waisted black jeans, as well as brown boots with buckles on the sides. Your shirt is an off the shoulder top, vertically striped with black and white. As it is reveals your shoulderblades, it will never be ripped when you summon your wings. On the back, the word 'Official' is lain in bold red letters, clearing you to be in the Quidditch pitch. Wonderful!

*Time Skip*

Now in the winter time, you groan as you kick your legs back and forth, having been caught by Fred and George as you and Harry attempted to escape to Hogsmead through the snow; beneath Harrys invisibility cloak of course.

"Guys! Let us go!" Your shouts are futile as the two brothers drag you and Harry through the white ground, eventually pulling you and your brother behind a stone column.

"Clever you two, but not clever enough!" George says as Fred rips the cloak off of you both, revealing your glaring faces.


"We've got a better way!" George says, finishing his brothers sentence. Fred pulls out a slab of parchment from his jacket, shoving it in his hands.

"Here (Y/N), you're the most fun of the two of you." Harry stares at the paper, and you raise an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"That there is the secret to our success!" Fred says as he and George alternate speaking.

"A wrench giving it to you two, believe me."

"But we've decided you need it more than us. George, if you will...." George takes out his wand, tapping it on the paper as snow falls past the four of you.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." You watch in awe as ink seeps onto the page, revealing the title, 'The Marauders Map'. You beam from ear to ear, realizing it is a very helpful trick.

"'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present 'The Marauder's Map'...?" Harry trails off, allowing George to pick up.

"Ah, we owe them so much." You look at the map, seeing the ink is a trail of Hogwarts. Names are scribbled on, and footsteps follow the nametags wherever they go. You look to Dumbledores name, seeing his footsteps pacing back and forth.

"He paces alot." Fred says, catching you staring.

"It shows everyone?" You ask, still grinning.

"Everyone." The twins say in unison, sharing your smirk. Fred contines speaking as you look to the distant sign of Hogsmead.

"To get to Hogsmead, we recommend the One-Eyed Witch passage." George frowns at the paper, looking behind you to the halls of Hogwarts.

"But you better get going, looks like Filch is coming this way. Remember when youre done to say 'Mischief Managed'." George taps his wand once more on the paper, and the ink fades to nothing. He then smiles at you and Harry, putting away his wand.

"Otherwise, anyone can read it."

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