4 - Reunited

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(Above is a scale reference to your height and Rubys)

You grab the hand around your mouth, ripping it down as you spin from your captors grasp.you grab your wand, pointing towards your captor as your navy cloak twirls with your body. You raise the white corkscrew high above your head in a dueling position, but lower it with a dramatic sigh when you see Draco staring at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Malfoy you ass!" You say, lowering your wand and putting it into your glittering cloak.

"What, did I scare you?" He says, grinning cockily as always. You roll your eyes, then look up at him with a curious face.

"What are you doing here?" His lips grow to a mischevious smile, and he grabs your hand as he races out of the castle.

"Draco! The dementors!" You say, looking around cautiously as he drags you downhill, heading towards the blazing windows of Hagrids hut. He looks back to you for a moment as you dash down the hill, nearly tripping.

"What? Think you'll faint again?" You growl, but keep quiet as you slow to a stop, having just ran a bit past Hagrids hut as you now stand on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Draco turns to you, smiling happily.

"What are we doing?" You ask, glancing around cautiously. With a grin, he puts two fingers between his lips, letting out a short whistle as he turns to look at the woods.

All is silent as he holds your hand tight in his own, the depths of the forest still. As you go to speak, he rests a finger on your lips. You glare at him, but turn back to the trees as you hear a strange sound. The flapping of wings vibrates in the dense woods, and you see the leaves flourish away from their branches as a blur of white shoots up into the sky! The glittering scales of pearl drop from the heavens, landing directly in front of you in the massive eleven foot stature of a three year pld dragon.

"Ruby!" You exclaim, looking up at her eyes far above you. She seems to know of the dementors, letting out no roars and making as little sound as possible as she leans her long, slender neck down to you. Her head that has grown to the size of a car, pushes into your stomach as she lets out a warm huff from her nose. She nuzzles you as you giggle, smiling happily to be reunited with her.

"Draco, how did you know she would be here? Dumbledore said he would find her a place but-"

"I talked to the gamekeeper." He says, crossing his arms as he rolls his cyan eyes. "The giant said he had friends in the forest who would protect her."

Your eyes water a bit at this as you stroke Rubys muzzle, the white scales cold against your (s/c) palm.

"You talked to Hagrid? But you hate him...." You say, biting your lip as Ruby parts her mouth, revealing dazzling white fangs in a smile. Draco casts his gaze away from you, and he rubs the back of his neck.

"But you love Ruby...." He mutters, a loving smile on his lips that disappears as soon as you turn around. He instead blushes furiously, realizing what he said.

"Yes, I love her." You say quietly, staring at your dragons glistening scales in the night sky. "Why should that matter to you?"

Malfoy seems slightly hurt by this, but walks closer to you. As you stand frozen, you feel Ruby nudge you towards him with her nose. Draco gets extremely close to you as your noses brush together. His blush seems to transfer to your face as it grows hot.

"Do you remember what happened last year?" He asks, taking your hand near your waist.

"Other than fighting a Basilisk and sixteen year old Vodelmort?" You ask, an eyebrow sarcastically raised. He glares at you, and you sigh. "Yes....I remember the kiss."

In all honesty, it was all you though about this summer. It kept you going, and it made you miss Draco more every day.

"What did-"

He is cut off by the soft pressure of your maroon tinted lips against his as you wrap your hands around your neck, pulling him closer to you if it is possible. You feel his slender arm slip arpund your waist, his other icy hand finding its way to your warm cheek. You feel a fire burning in your chest, but not the familiar one of amger, a different one. One that made you never want to leave the kiss. Yet when you run out of air, you do. Your head rests against his chest as he wraps his arms around your cloak that mimics the galaxy pictured above you in the sky.

"So....." You say, wrapping your arms tight around his back. Though he is cold, you can practically feel him comforted by your warm half dragon body, though you get cold easily it is conveniently hot tonight.

"Are we dating now?" He asks, his face buried in your (h/c) locks. A grin finds itself plastered to your face as you stare up at the full moon.

"Only if you want to-"

"Yes!" Draco exclaims, pulling himself from your grip as he looks down at you in shock. It was as if you even thought he would say no amazed him, and it made you giggle.

"Alright. Then we are." With that, you place a tender kiss on his thin lips as he pulls you away, leading you back to the castle where he would drop you off at your rooms and then head to his own.

As you walk up the misty hill, still worried about the nearby Dementors, you hear the flapping of Rubys glittering wings as she takes off into the Forbidden Forest, her habitat for the times to come. Where you are sure she will be teasing you about Draco, because even without a voice that dragon can give some nasty looks.

Prisoner of Azkaban//Draco X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now