♡ 10 - linguini linguini linguini ♡

861 51 72

(a/n: this chapter has nothing to do with linguini)

"Let's start again! Roman, remember your entrance! 'Homosexuals'! Declan, enter!" Logan called.

"Of course!" Roman replied.

They had been rehearsing for a couple of hours now and they were onto Falsettoland / About Time, which was one of Virgil's favorites -- mostly because he got to do the Nancy Reagan part.

Virgil was having a good day, while Declan was falling apart inside but staying as normal as he could.

Roman noticed a switch in Declan's behavior and kept it in mind.

"Virgil! When Declan hands you the suitcase, you don't smile as you see him arriving. The Chess Game is a heartbreaking scene!"

"Okay!" Virgil answered.

"You two are a very nice couple, but don't let it ruin the show."

Virgil nodded and Declan shot him a grin.

Roman sat with Virgil during lunch break. Declan sat next to Virgil and whispered something. Virgil whisper-scolded something back.

"Is everything... Gucci?" Roman asked awkwardly.

"Yeah," Virgil said and forced a smile. "This one --" he pointed at Declan, "-- is being annoying."

Declan punched the teen's arm playfully.

Roman was disappointed.

I wish their relationship was fucked up in some way so I could just- just-

Roman, no! You will not get in the way of their love!

"So Roman," Virgil said, "do you want to hang out at my apartment later? To maybe rehearse a little more? But like, also to chill and whatever?"

"Sure!" Roman was filled with glee.

"Can I come?" Declan asked.

Virgil nodded without a second thought.

"Oh, I guess I'll stay out then," Roman laughed awkwardly. "Wouldn't want to be the third wheel."

The couple laughed and Roman gritted his teeth in frustration.

Virgil persisted. "I want to spend some more time with you though, Roman. I just wish I had more friends in New York and we already know each other, so it'll be fun."

"No, no. I don't want to be a bother."

"But you can."

"No, it's okay."

They said the same things back and forth until, Declan cut them both off.

"I won't go," he said. "Virgil and I can hang out another day!"

YES! Roman internally cheered.

"Thanks, De," Virgil said and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry."

"It's totally okay, babe. You just want to make some friends and I completely support you."

"You're awesome."

"You're better." Declan booped Virgil's nose.

"No, you are."

"No, you are."

"No, you."




"Y- okay, I'm even irritating myself."

It took everything in Roman to not roll his eyes. He said kindly, "You two are so cute together!"

He swore he saw Declan sink his nails into Virgil's arm for just a second. Virgil didn't seem to notice and if he did, it didn't bother him. So Roman tried to ignore it too.

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