♡ 15 - welp ♡

800 59 37

(a/n: we all need more patton in our lives

also! declan was never lying about having issues with his parents or his brother being in the hospital! just wanted to make that clear!)

Virgil headed over to Declan's apartment when he knew Declan wasn't there, because he wasn't going there for his boyfriend. He was going there for Patton, who he hadn't spoken to since they met.

"How're you doing, Virgil?" Patton greeted him with a warm smile.


"You said you wanted to talk about Declan?"

Virgil nodded.

The older sighed. "Seems like it's not working out, huh?"

"No, it's not... God, I wish I listened to you. I wish I listened to Roman. I wish I never got into this relationship in the first place! It was the worst mistake I've ever made in my life!" He was choking up.

Patton rushed to his side and gave him a hug, telling him, "We all get into horrible relationships. Things just don't work sometimes. But we can learn from them, and that's the best we can do."

"Patt... How do I break up with him?"

"Well, if he truly cares about you, be honest. The other route is fighting excessively until one of you threatens to end the relationship, and in that moment, end it. But that would hurt more..."

"He told me that if I broke up with him, he'd kill himself!"

Patton leaned forward as his jaw dropped. "...what?! I mean, I knew he was unstable, but I didn't think he'd threaten something like that!"

"Yeah! And no matter how much I want to, I won't break up with him because he's going to do something and it'll all be my fault! Plus, I still love him! I know I can't, I shouldn't, but I do!

"And now, I'm turning into Whizzer except I'm not obsessed with sex and money, and Declan's basically Marvin except De's more sweet and loving and a great kisser and- FUCK! I don't get it! What did I do wrong for this to all happen?"

The teenager began to cry onto the floor.

Wow. Deja vu.

It was lunch break the next day. Virgil sat quietly and watched Valerie teach Scott how to do a pirouette, with Scott failing miserably.

He jumped when he felt a sudden tap on his shoulder.

"Emo Nightmare. Jack Smellington. Hello? My name is Elder Why-Do-You-Keep-Zoning-Out?"

"Declan told me... that if I was gone, he'd- uh- kill himself. So basically, breaking up with him is a no-no."

Roman held both Virgil's hands, but the sensation felt strange to Virgil. Something he hadn't felt in a little while.

Roman's grip was loose and gentle. His hands were slightly calloused from moving around blocks all the time, but they were warm and, well, comforting.

Virgil suddenly felt his heart pumping at a rapid pace. Roman was talking but the teenager didn't hear what he was saying over his loud heartbeat.

The college junior stopped talking when Virgil suddenly hugged him and against his ear, he heard Roman's own heartbeat pick up speed. He hugged back almost immediately.

When they pulled away, their faces were less than half a foot apart and they stared awkwardly at each other for a few long seconds.

Virgil was the first to pull back. He stood up. "Break's almost over. You ready?"

Roman blinked a couple times, as he was still trying to take everything in. "Uh, yes. I'm ready."

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