Just for tonight

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Millie woke up feeling someone caressing delicately her short hair. She felt her head hurting, and some pain on her right cheek, which made her immediately realize what just happened some hours before.

She gently touched the band-aid she had on her cut and realized that everything she experienced wasn't a dream, but reality.

Moreover, when she opened her eyes, she realized she was laying down on a canopy bed, in a bedroom full of red roses and that... meant just one thing.

"Why am I in his bedroom?" she asked with a feeble of voice as she tried to get up from the mattress slowly, but Lilia, who was watching over her, helped her to lay down again.

"Honey, don't over force yourself, you need to rest." she said, almost with tears in her eyes, "Oh, Millie... I'm so glad you're okay. I would have never forgive myself if someone hurt you!" the blonde girl quickly embraced her, feeling relieved to see her again, and that she wasn't that hurt.

"Lilia, I... remember someone who was trying to stab me. It was horrible." Millie sobbed, while hugging the other girl tightly.

Lilia kept giving her small kisses on her forehead, never wanting to let her go. She was just glad her little Millie was okay, in her arms, safe.

"I know, honey. Finn brought you here. He saved you from those bad guys."

"He... saved me?"

Millie gasped, looking at her in a surprised way; she remembered someone fighting with the two horrible men who were trying to hurt her... but she couldn't see him properly.

"He did, sweetie. He did." Lilia nodded, tearing up a bit.

"And where is he now?"

Lilia smiled sweetly, weeping away her tears with her silky ivory tissue.

"He is in the west wing."

Millie knew what she had to do. She knew she wasn't supposed to go there, it was one of the things a maid couldn't ever do. But at that point, she thought she couldn't pissing him more than she already did in that month.

"Can I see him? I need to talk to him... I can barely remember the faces of those men... everything is so blurry." she let out with frustration.

All of her memories were there, she just couldn't access to them. She just remember how frightened she was; the horrible sensation of the end to come; the cold blade stabbing her and then... the dark, the absolute nothingness, the fear and desperation of drowning alone in that black hole called death.

"Millie... I think you should rest. It's two in the morning, you went through a lot..." she said, while tucking Millie in.

"Okay... I think I will just sleep then. You can just... go." she said, while her brain was thinking and concentrating on what she was about to do in the next couple of minutes.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." she lied, giving her a thumb up.

"Okay, then."

Lilia gave her a kiss on her forehead, and slowly walked to the door; but just before quitting it, she turned her head once again to Millie, smiling tenderly.

"The west wing is around the corner."

Millie smiled, and Lilia winked at her before leaving her all alone in that prince-style bedroom. She slowly got up and she gave a quick glance at herself in the mirror: she was wearing her silly cloudy blue pajamas and, when she touched the soft fabric, the memories of Noah giving it for her birthday made her feel comfortable and a little bit braver.

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