Circle of Life

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At the last floor of the building, Finn was busy organizing his new fantastic office.

His favorite part was the wall with his collection of Fender guitars (except his favorite one, that one was still back home); all of his shiny true loves besides Millie.

From one box, he took out a silvered frame with a picture of his girlfriend in it. He rested it on the crystal desk, so that her pretty face could light up his days when she wasn't buzzing around him at home.

Millie was splendid — he couldn't get enough of her. He really couldn't live without her around; and it was not a crush, the heat of the moment, the primordial phase of love that it is meant to fade away... No, it was constant and satisfying.

The love she had for him was shamelessly endearing.
And he wanted it to never end.

When he wanted to watch tv, she immediately ran to him with pop corn and coke just to watch a movie together; when he was doing a walk all alone in the poppy field to reflect about his life or just to mentally communicate with his mom, she was near him, in the garden, watering the roses and checking on him if he started to cry. And if he did, she would run to him, tucking a tiny rosebud just collected behind his ear.

Millie was his constant now, his gravity center; and he couldn't be happier, satisfied about living with her.

So why was she so weird in the last two weeks? Wasn't she satisfied in staying around him anymore? Did she need her personal space? Or maybe, she was already regretting the choice of living with him and his possessiveness... Maybe she was faking to be happy.

And the thought of it just tore him down. Broke him into million pieces.

No, that couldn't be the reason. He refused to believe she was changing her mind and wanting to live with her father again.

Sighing, Finn passed his fingers on the frame. Beautiful was not enough: she was something else. She was wearing a dark red lipstick in the picture, and her eyes were almost shut as her big bean was flashing pure energy and happiness.

Fuck it, he already missed her and it was simply not fair. He needed to let his worrying out of his chest once and for all.

So, he cleared his throat, "You know guys... Millie's acting weird and I don't know why."

Caleb shrugged, "Isn't she always weird though? I mean, you see how the hell she dresses."

Finn rolled his eyes as Caleb and Gaten were unpacking the boxes with him, "Yeah, she is but lately she's weirder than before."


His mouth exploded into a loud snort. How the hell was he supposed to explain it?

She was just hiding something and it was getting more evident day by day. She was not a good liar, maybe, one of the worst ever existed and yet, he still couldn't figure it out. They used to tell each other's everything; and Millie always said that friends didn't lie.

And her silence was frustrating the shit out of him. It worried him.

"I caught her eating mustard and Oreos last night and she is feeling sick lately. She says she's fine but she's not... It seems she is enjoying time alone or with her friends. And I am just concerned, that's all."

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