I wondered how long my parents had been waiting to tell me this, how long they lived in the same house because of me. My life was going great, I didn't ever want to hear my parents tell me that.
They said that I would get to go to the same high school, but I would stay with my mom during the week and with my dad every other weekend. My mom had already been looking for houses, and apparently had already found the perfect one. My mom said her and I would be moving Saturday, which was just the next day. She had already been moving stuff out without me noticing. My dad wouldn't even look at me, I was on fire. How could they do this to me? I spent all day packing up most of my room so it could be picked up by the movers in the morning. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep and didn't wake up till 10 the next morning.
Mom woke me up telling me that I had slept past the movers picking up our stuff. I quickly got up to get changed for the day but realized that I had boxed up everything except for what I was wearing. I guess my oversized t-shirt and baggy shorts would have to do. I pulled on my worn out Converse just as I heard the car start. It would never be my parent's car again, nothing would ever be theirs again. Nothing would ever be the same.
Why did this have to happen? Tears were beginning to escape as I was letting out panicked breaths. I needed questions answered. Why are my parents getting divorced? Am I the problem? Will they ever get back together? Do my parents love me? I was so caught up in questions that I didn't notice mom pulling me closer to her with one of her bear hugs.
"I know that this is going to be hard, but I never dreamed of this ever happening," I said.
The only thing that my mom said was, "I love you." No other words were said, no words needed to be said because I knew that mom wasn't the one backstabbing me. We walked to the car and got in. As we pulled away from the house, I took a look back at the house, knowing that nowhere would ever feel like home again. A red convertible was pulling into the driveway as I was looking back. "Stop," I yelled.
Mom slammed on the brakes. I had to watch who was pulling into my old home. I saw my dad opening the house door and walking up to the convertible. A lady stepped out of the car and walked up to my dad. They embrace, and I can tell that this hug is more than a friendly one. She pulls herself closer to my dad, and I see her give him a kiss. I was hurt, I didn't know who was there, but I knew it had to be the reason my mom and dad weren't together now.
"Go," I yelled.
I knew that they were having problems, but this was beyond just having problems. I wanted answers, but I'm afraid I will never get the ones I want to hear. All I knew was that the divorce had been finalized over a month ago. I would never trust dad ever again. I'm guessing all those times he was getting home really late from work, were never really him coming from work. I'm guessing that lady never cared who she was hurting, she saw my dad, and that's all she saw. Whoever she is, I sure hope that she isn't there next weekend when I have to visit my dad.
Our new house is only 25 minutes away from dads. The movers already had everything moved into the house. The house seemed large for just me and mom, but that's because we didn't have anything unpacked yet. Summer break would be over on Tuesday with school starting Wednesday, so we unpacked fast.

Life With A Stepmom
Teen FictionHanna's parents recently divorced. Her father is already engaged to someone, but Hanna doesn't know anything about it... yet. She will soon though!